5 Day Fix Review – Legitimate or Scam?!? Really?

5 Day Fix Review – Legitimate or Scam?!? Really?

5 Day Fix Review – Legitimate or Scam?!? Really?

5 Day Fix Review – What is 5 Day Fix and how does it work? Can you make money with 5 Day Fix? Legit or Scam? Read this review now!

5 Day Fix Review

Website: 5dayfix.com

Products: Pay Per Click Marketing Training

Price: $6.48 to start

Upsell: #1 – $27, #2 – $27, #3 – $197

Downsell: #1 – $17, #2 – $17, #3 – $97

Owner: Mark Barrett, Paul Prissick

Suitable for: Internet Marketers

Overview: 5 Day Fix is a Pay Per Click Marketing Training that teaches you how to leverage on Pay Per Click Traffic that you purchased and direct them to High Ticket affiliate program.

5 Day Fix Review – What is it all about?

A new year, a new product. 5 Day Fix was launched in January 2017 and all of the sudden, the Internet was booming with reviews of 5 Day Fix.

Hi, there. Edmund here. 🙂

I am a naturally curious and wanted to find out more about this product as an Internet Marketer. Perhaps I could learn something useful for my Online Business in the new year.

First, let’s take a look at the short introduction video from Mark Barrett personally.

Next, these are the claimed benefits of this program found at 5 Day Fix Sales Page.

5 Day Fix - claims

After watching the introduction video by Mark Barrett and reading the 5 Day Fix sales page. These were questions running in my mind,

  • What is this method that has NEVER released before?
  • Don’t you need a list or a website or a budget of any kind for any Online Business?
  • ZERO marketing budget?
  • Can it really teaches you how to make $500+ in just 5 Days!?

Let’s find out more in a little more detail about 5 Day Fix Review.


5 Day Fix Review – The Basic Product

There is a basic course which consists of 7 videos when you pay the entry fee of $6.48. The follow are the contents of each video.

5 Day Fix Basic Video 1
  • Why people failed Online?
  • 2 key elements to start making money Online.
  • Targeted Traffic to high converting affiliate products.
5 Day Fix Basic Video 2
  • Traffic Vendor 1: AdHitz.
  • Case Study of Traffic Campaign and results.
5 Day Fix Basic Video 3
  • Sign up and setting up a campaign at AdHitz.
5 Day Fix Basic Video 4
  • Traffic Vendor 2: TrafficForMe.
5 Day Fix Basic Video 5
  • How to write a powerful Ad and design a capture page.
5 Day Fix Basic Video 6
  • Free Traffic vs Paid Traffic.
5 Day Fix Basic Video 7
  • Conclusion.
  • Upsells.


5 Day Fix Review – The Upsells and Downsells

And as expected, when you log in for the first time, you will be introduced with a series of One Time Offer upsells and downsells before you get to the basic training videos.

Upsells and downsells works this way, if you reject the One Time Offer, you are going to be offered a lower price for it.

When you skipped the first One Time Offer completely, even rejecting the lower price offer, you will be given a second One Time Offer and so on so forth.

Following this, let’s take a look at these videos for the Upsells created by Mark Barrett.

5 Day Fix Upsell 1 – $27

The offer for this downsell is $17.

5 Day Fix Upsell 2 – $27

The offer for this downsell is $17.

5 Day Fix Upsell 3 – $197

The offer for this downsell is $97.

So if you are interested in the One Time Offer, be sure to reject the upsell offer to get a better-priced downsell offer. 🙂


5 Day Fix Review – My Personal Take

Personally, I feel that 5 Day Fix have s basic training packaged for new Internet Marketers who wants to learn how to use Pay Per Click method to promote high-ticket affiliate products.

However, I have some concerns with the 5 Day Fix as follow:

#1 Not a new method

Although Mark Barrett markets 5 Day Fix as a method never seen before but this is not true.

This is because purchasing traffic for promoting affiliate products is not new and has been practised by Internet Marketers for years.

There are even traffic exchange sites that are able to do this too!

Perhaps, just the traffic providers are new?

#2 you need a budget

Although by using 5 Day Fix, it is true that you do not need to own a website or an email list, it is not correct to say that you do not need a budget.

On the contrary, you have to fork out cash upfront to purchase traffic from the traffic vendors that Mark Barrett recommends to you.

#3 Conversion Rate

There is a risk of the traffic conversion rate (% of sales made) does not happen in your favour.

This is because we are not really sure where the traffic vendors source their traffic and what is the demographics of the traffic.

Can the traffic match your affiliate products?

Thus, you may have to spend some additional money for trial and error in order to get your conversion rate higher.


5 Day Fix Review – Make Money Online Alternative

I started my Affiliate Marketing business in 2014 and never looked back since.

Wealthy Affiliate is where I learned how to build a Successful Online Affiliate Marketing Business right from the fundamentals.

5 Day Fix Review - Wealthy Affiliate University

The best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that I could start learning how to build my Online Business Passive Income with ZERO prior knowledge on Affiliate Marketing.

Not only that it comes with complete tools and Website building and hosting suite, Wealthy Affiliate comes with live support and help from the owners and the community.

It’s also an all-in-one platform with a fixed monthly fee, and you do not have to worry about other operation costs.

You can even test-drive it first with FREE* Starter Membership in the next few minutes!

I have written a comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate Review and perhaps you can find out more from there.


5 Day Fix Review – Final Verdict

5 Day Fix
Owner: Peter Wolfing
Overall Rating:

I rated 5 Day Fix 3.0 stars because I think you can really make some money Online if you implement what was taught in the basic training videos closely.

If you are comfortable in the Pay Per Click method of making money Online, the first 2 upsell training could perhaps give you a further insight. But remember there is a downsell for each.

However, you’ll need upfront cash to purchase the traffic and there is a risk that the conversion rate may not be in your favour.

Thus, there is no get rich quick method. You’ll still need time and effort to do your own research and trial and error.

Wishing you the best!

5 Day Fix Review - Edmund





*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.

2 thoughts on “5 Day Fix Review – Legitimate or Scam?!? Really?

  1. Brian

    Hi, Edmund.

    Excellent review of this new product. I personally do not like upsells so this probably wouldn’t be a good fit for me. Besides you can learn a lot about PPC at Wealthy Affiliate plus they will not lie to you and they are upfront about what the costs are.

    Like you said too, you don’t know where that paid traffic is coming from and you may not have any conversions at all from it.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Brian.

      Yup, PPC method of making money Online is not as easy as one thought so. Upfront cash is required for a lot of trial and error campaigns because you are not sure of the traffic sources.

      Thank you for your testimonial of Wealthy Affiliate. Indeed, Wealthy Affiliate has no upsells and is very transparent about its free* Starter membership and Premium fees. Wealthy Affiliate is an Open Education Project, thus you can find tonnes of Online Entrepreneurship related subjects in there.

      Wishing you the best!

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