Free work from home business opportunities – Top 6!

Free work from home business opportunities – Top 6!

Free work from home business opportunities – Top 6!

Free work from home business opportunities – looking for ways to work from home? I’ll share with you top 6 work from home business opportunities that are helping ordinary people make money online.

Free work from home business opportunities – Top 6

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Monetize a Blog about your passion

Do you have a passion?

Are you an expert in any subject matter?

If you have, you can follow 4 simple steps to start blogging about your passion then start monetizing from your blog.


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Sell your handy crafts @ Etsy

Do you know how to make handy crafts?

If you do, you can set up an e-store at Etsy to sell your crafts.

There are many people looking for handy crafts at Etsy for gifts or collections.


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Sell your service @ Fiverr

Can you write articles with good contents?

Can you create good illustrations for business use?

If you can, you can provide your service at Fiverr. There are many Online Businesses looking for services at Fiverr to outsource some of their works.


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Subscribe to Survey Companies and get paid for your opinions

Do you like your opinions get heard and at the same time get paid?

If you do, you can subscribe to as many Survey Companies as you could to get regular surveys to fill in every day. Each survey amount, although small sometimes do adds up.

See how Gary Mitchell uses his strategy to earn a decent income from filling surveys every month.


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Small Animal Care Service

Do you love small animals, like Hamster or Chinchilla, and have a knack to care for them?

If you have, you can set up a website to advertise your offer of service to take care of the small animals while their owners are away for business trips or holidays.

>>You can create a free website at SiteRubix<<.


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Home Tuition Service

Do you like to impart your expert knowledge of a particular subject like Math or Science to the young ones?

If you like, you can contact Tuition Agencies in your area to help you link up with parents who wish to give their child additional lessons on their poorer subjects in school.

>>You can create a free website to promote your service too!<<


Free work from home business opportunities – My Personal Take

Personally, I started my Affiliate Marketing business in 2014 and never looked back since.

Wealthy Affiliate is where I learned how to build a Successful Online Affiliate Marketing Business right from the fundamentals.

Free work from home business opportunities - Wealthy Affiliate University

The best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that I could start learning how to build my Online Business Passive Income with ZERO prior knowledge on Affiliate Marketing and how to generate traffics.

Wealthy Affiliate will train you how to generate targeted traffics to your own specific niche.

Not only that it comes with complete Keyword tools and Website building and hosting suite, Wealthy Affiliate comes with live support and helps from the owners and the community.

You can even test-drive it first with FREE* Starter Membership in the next few minutes!

I have written a comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate Review and perhaps you can find out more from there.

I believe that there are definitely more ways to work from home for free. I hope my recommendations here are able to create a spark for your Home Business ideas.

Please leave a comment on any other ideas you have on free work from home business opportunities.

Wishing you Success!

Free work from home business opportunities - Edmund





*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.

30 thoughts on “Free work from home business opportunities – Top 6!

  1. kim

    Hi Edmund, thank you for your ideas! I like your idea on Small Animal Care Service as I am an avid lover of Chinchilla!

  2. Maarten


    These are good ways to make some extra money using the internet.
    Your small animal care struck me as a bit odd.. I only say this because I know it IS possible to make money doing this.. Any sort of business can be promoted online and can generate an income stream. It is of course not so easy to find these, and you need a basic understanding of how promoting online works.
    I do agree with you promoting Wealthy Affiliate, it is for sure the best place online to learn the skills to sell practically anything online.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Edmund

      Hey Maarten, thanks for dropping by here.

      Small animal care service in fact is very popular here in Singapore due to nature that Singaporean likes to travel abroad for holidays once or twice per year. We even have pet hotels here. 🙂

      Yes, you are absolutely right that any business can be promoted online to gain customers for your services. The best business is a business that you are passionate about and love. In this way, you are motivated to make it a Success.

      Wealthy Affiliate University teaches anyone how to build an Online Business that revolves around their passion. It is definitely the best place to learn the skills of Internet Marketing. Many successful Online Entrepreneurs from Wealthy Affiliate University can endorse that too!

      Wishing you the best!

  3. Chris

    Out of all the topics you’ve listed here today I’d have to say that Fiverr is the most interesting.
    I’ve only visited their site once but it was so cluttered and busy I didn’t really know where to start.
    Tell me, can you sell any service there and also – what services appear to do the most trade. I know it’s not a lot of money per gig but it is money at the end of the day!

    1. Edmund

      Hi Chris, thanks for visiting.

      You should visit the Fiverr site again! It has much improved since. 🙂

      They have a Trending Collection area for the most popular Gigs and also a Featured Gigs area for noteworthy Gigs. These are the services that appear to do the most trade.

      You can provide any legitimate service you can think of (See categories at top Menu Bar). However, do ensure that your service adhere to Fiverr’s T&C too.

      Not a lot of money per Gig, but you can ask for extra money, such as to provide express service to your customer. It does add up if you have many service requests.

      Hope this help. Wishing you the best!

  4. San

    Hello Edmund,
    Great list, almost anyone can learn to do those things and make some income from them.
    I am really interested in the survey topic.
    I have tried it in the past but only got nickeled and dimed to death.
    I did not follow the link you left, I wanted to ask you if you had any personal knowledge about how to make money this way?


    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi San, thank you for your comment and question.

      Yes, doing surveys from only a few companies will not let you earn a lot of money. This is due to the frequency of surveys given out and whether you match the surveys’ profile in order to be able to fill them.

      Also when a survey company asked you for money to do their surveys, my advice is to scramble and reject them right away.

      I added the Survey option here because I have personally tried out filling surveys from YouGov and MySurvey. I do not have to pay them anything to sign up and recently I received a payout from MySurvey.

      After those experience with doing Surveys, I feel that one could make some extra money to supplement a living by filling up a lot of surveys from a lot of survey companies. Not quite possible to be financially free.

      However, I am totally convinced that by creating an Online Business from our passion is the way to financial freedom. Wealthy Affiliate University’s Free* Online Entrepreneurs Certification course is the lesson I would recommend you to go to to find out more.

      If you have further questions, feel free to leave your comment here or contact me at Wealthy Affiliate University. My profile is edtay78.

      Wishing you Success!

  5. rufat

    Good article. There are certainly many ways to make money online and ones you have mentioned are popular enough. It depends from a person to person. What works fine for someone may not work for the other. I personally prefer monetising through a blog because it allows you to create a business based on your passion and you have full control over your business. One thing we must keep in mind that success requires time, dedication and hard work. BTW, what opportunity do you prefer?

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Rufat! Thanks for your comment.

      You are absolutely spot on when you mentioned that Success requires time, dedication and hard work.

      I am with you, I prefer point #1: Monetise a blog about your passion.

      Affiliate Marketing is the best way to monetise a blog. The benefit of this business opportunity is that once the blog is set up and able to gain visitors. You are able to recommend and provide solutions to them 24/7. This is not an overnight event because creating valuable and captivating contents takes time, dedication and hard work as you mentioned.

      Wishing you success!

  6. Marc Parsons

    Hey Edmund.

    Thanks for the info. This is a cool article for anyone looking to make extra cash online.

    I have heard that those survey systems can be a real waste of time. And a lot of them try to get you to pay more a month than the value would be that you take out of it?

    What makes Gary’s Mitchel’s way any different?



    1. Edmund Post author

      Hey Marc, thanks for visiting again. Appreciate your questions too. 🙂

      Yes, I heard of people saying survey system can be a real waste of time too. I signed up with YouGov and MySurvey personally to have the first-hand experience.

      Indeed, the ROI of Time and Money filling surveys did not match my expectation of escaping the Rat Race. However, if you want to make some extra money to supplement a living, this could be possible if you sign up with as many survey companies and do many surveys every day.

      Thus, I recommended the E-book written by Gary Mitchell. He shared his strategies of earning up to $500 a week by filling surveys and other methods such as 1. Get Paid to drive, 2. Get paid to write, 3. Get paid to read e-mails.

      The book is distributed by Click bank, if you find those strategies are not suitable for you, you can ask for a refund within the 60 days period. It is a one-time payment for the E-book and no monthly subscription.

      By the way, if any Survey Companies asked for your money to fill their survey, just label them SCAM and get out of there. I joined YouGov and MySurvey for free.

      My #1 choice is still Point 1: Monetise a blog about your passion.

      Hope this clarifies.

      Wishing you the best!

  7. Luke

    I think you forgot about the second most visited site on the Internet, i.e.: YouTube. Millions of visits a day. If you don’t use YouTube to advertise something or drive traffic to your website then you should start doing it right now.

    It’s a loooooooooooooot easier to rank a video in Google than it is to rank a website and more people will click on the YouTube thumbnail when they see it in the search results than on the link to the website.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hey, Luke, you are right!

      Youtube is suitable for people who like to do video blogging! There are many successful video bloggers at YouTube earning a good income from the advertisements displayed in their video.

      Thank you for the tips on YouTube traffic and ranking at Google. I will look into that myself too.

      Wishing you the best!

  8. Angel

    Dear Edmund,

    A great creative Website you have here. 🙂 I would say from this List that I best identify myself with Option 1, Option 5, and Option 6.

    Option 1 since I love sharing my passion about Website Building, Plugins, etc.

    Option 5 because I absolutely love animals.

    Option 6, I like sharing my knowledge with others of what I have learned that would be of much benefit to them. 🙂

    Wishing you all the best with your online success and beyond the horizon,


    1. Edmund Post author

      Dear Angel,

      Thank you for your comment. I am glad that you are able to identify several options that you could start out with your home businesses.

      I would advice choose the one option you liked most among these 3 and focus on it first. In this way, you’ll have focused attention to building your home business to a success!

      Wishing you the best too!

  9. Stephanie

    Hi Edmund:

    I like your website and how you offer six different ways to generate an income from home. I enjoyed reading about all the different ways you can have a passive income and enjoy more freedom.

    Being an Ambassador with Wealthy Affiliate, I assure anyone reading this site that the Online Entrepreneur Certification course is amazing and level 1 is indeed free.

    Thank you, Edmund, for creating an awesome site.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Stephanie, you are welcome.

      Thanks for your comment and testimonial too.

      It is an honour to have an Ambassador from Wealthy Affiliate here to testify that the Online Entrepreneur Certification course is amazing! 🙂

      There are many Work From Home Business Opportunities in the Online World. Wealthy Affiliate will teach you the basics from A to Z in the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course.

      Head over to Wealthy Affiliate and start the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course (Level 1). Just as Stephanie said, “level 1 is indeed free.”

      Wishing you the best!

  10. Roopesh

    Hi Edmund

    Thanks for some awesome information.

    I personally do not like the idea of completing surveys online. I find it time-consuming and the compensation plan is not relative to the effort that I put in.

    I was never a good student in maths or science and therefore, I can’t offer tuition service and I don’t know much about caring for small animals.

    I am however very interested in the blogging opportunity. I always wanted to enter the online world. I know that there is an opportunity. I just don’t know where to start and am intimidated with the whole idea of it.

    Is it difficult to start off with and is it a costly affair?

    Look forward to your answers.



    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Roopesh, you are most welcome!

      I do agree with you that completing surveys do take up your time. The time spent vs reward ratio is not really appealing to some too.

      You are very interested in blogging and that’s great! And yes, it is a great opportunity for you to get started in the Online world.

      It is not so scary as you would think. I was like you too but I got the help and support from many like-minded friends in Wealthy Affiliate.

      I would recommend you get started from learning from the free* Online Entrepreneur Certification Course (Level 1) at Wealthy Affiliate to get a hang of it and progress from there.

      For the start, go for the free* Starter Member and do not worry about the cost. Once you are sure you want to head in this direction, you could then consider the Premium Membership.

      Hope this help!

      Wishing you the best!

  11. Todd

    Hi Edmund,

    What a great list of work from home opportunities. I’ve done Etsy, eBay, Amazon, and Fiverr, but the most profitable and most enjoyable online business I’ve done is creating a niche blog and selling advertising and using affiliate marketing.

    Plus, once you get your site built up, it sort of carries you. You can find that you can leave it alone and it can still grow and produce earnings.

    Thanks for the post,


    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Todd, thank you for your sharing!

      Absolutely! Affiliate Marketing could be the most enjoyable because when you are passionate about the niche you are in, you are able to create valuable contents to benefit your website visitors.

      When your niche website is up and running, with all the effort and hard work you have invested earlier, your website can still bring in passive income even if you leave it alone for awhile. You hit the nail on the head, Todd.

      I wish you great Success!

  12. Kristena Calhoun

    Hi Edmund!

    There are some very useful tips and information for work from home business opportunities available here.

    I understand that you highly recommend starting a Affiliate Marketing Business and Wealthy Affiliate is the place where you learned and started your website.

    May I ask do you recommend other work from home companies?


    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Kristena, thank you for your comment and question.

      If you have followed my blogs where I have reviewed many make money online companies or products, I rated one or two Online Marketing learning programs favourably too. However, most of the companies or products I came across do not meet my recommendation criteria.

      Wealthy Affiliate is still my #1 Recommendation.

      Wishing you the best!

  13. Ralph

    Hi, Edmund.
    These are some really good ideas as I could really see myself doing some of these. Especially the one about creating a blog.

    Although I don’t consider myself much of a writer, I think if I am able to write about something I am passionate like you have suggested, I could really see myself getting into it.

    I will also look into this wealthy affiliate program as it may be a good place to start. Thanks for this!

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Ralph.

      You are most welcome!

      I am really glad that you know your passion. Wealthy Affiliate is definitely a place for you to develop your writing passion further, at the same time learn how to monetize your blog. If you ever need a hand with anything, just ask! The Wealthy Affiliate community is here to help.

      Wishing you the best!

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