The Lotto Black Book Review – PDF Download

The Lotto Black Book Review – PDF Download

The Lotto Black Book Review – PDF Download

The Lotto Black Book Review – By the time I am writing this review, the Lotto Black Book is no longer available for sale. It’s owner has closed down the website. But you are able to download a free pdf copy instead. Check out the free pdf link here.

The Lotto Black Book Review

Website: nonexistence

Product: Book on how to win lotto bets

Price: –

Owner: Larry Blair (maybe a fake name)

Suitable for: None

Overview: A self-claimed math professor from Oklahoma is sharing with you his technique of winning Lotto in this little Lotto Black Book. This book is no longer available for sale as the website is closed. Fortunately, some kind soul posted the free pdf to reveal it all.

The Lotto Black Book Review – Lottery Craze

You can find Lottery Games in most countries of the World, thus, the Lottery Craze is making many people dream of becoming rich overnight.

I buy Lottery once in a while. In Singapore’s Lottery system, it is pick 6 from 49. One and 14 Million chance of hitting the Jackpot!

There are 2 draws every week with starting price of 1 Million Dollars. If nobody win in a draw, the money will snowball to the next draw. So, in Singapore, there is a millionaire born almost every week or the other!

Recently a friend told me that that playing Lottery requires strategies and not just buy any quick pick and hope for the best.

He introduced me this “Lotto Black Book” and I thought it would be fun to read it and give it a quick review at my blog for my visitors.

If you are interested in The Lotto Black Book Review, read on in this research review. 🙂


The Lotto Black Book Review – What you’ll learn?

The content of the book is as follow,

    • 2.1. On to Systems
    • 2.2. Do Any Systems Work?
    • 2.3. Then why Play?
    • 2.4. Gamblers vs. Players
    • 2.5. Lottery
    • 2.6. Lottery Pick 3 and Pick 4
    • 2.7. Tools
    • 2.8. Pick 3 Wheel
    • 2.9. Computers
    • 2.10. The Balance of Nature
    • 2.11. The Balance of Lotto Balance
    • 2.12. How to Create a Winning Ticket
    • 2.13. How I Play
    • 2.14. When You Have to Wheel
    • 2.15. Single Ticket Plan
    • 2.16. Running a Lottery for Beginners
    • 2.17. The Smaller Prizes
    • 3.1. What is a Lottery Wheel?
    • 3.2. A Beginner’s Look at Wheeling
    • 3.3. Advanced Wheeling
    • 4.1. Frequency Distribution
    • 4.2. Delta Lottery Number Reduction
    • 4.3. Decade Reduction Strategy
    • 5.1. Money Management Systems
    • 6.1. Winners and Losers
    • 6.2. Think for Yourself
    • 6.3. Common Sense
    • 6.4. Top 10 Myths about Lottery (and why they are not true)


The Lotto Black Book Review – Other Reviews

I have read some other reviews on the Lotto Black Book too. There are some reviews that said Larry is a total scam and what was mentioned in the book is a silly system. I quote some reviews here.

“We want to inform you and give you the real Lotto Black Book secret free, so you do not waste your money on this silly lotto system! The real truth is the seller of this Lotto Black Book system is not a math professor named Larry Blair, but a common shady Marketer using a completely phony scenario to lure you in, to purchase a silly useless system that has never won any lotteries or lottery jackpots!” – Lotto Logic


“Over the years many people have tried and tested the Lotto Black Book and the verdict is, No one is actually winning any lottery games using the secret formula, as the Lotto Black Book secret formula is complete Nonsense!” – Lotto Winning Strategies


The Lotto Black Book Review – My Personal Take

The Lotto Black Book Review - LotteryAfter reading this book, I am more confused than I know how to win Lottery! Lol!

Why is this so? The book was such badly written with tons of spelling, typo and grammar errors. I have difficulties of understanding what Larry is saying!

The lotto numbers he was trying to explain using some strategies are crumbled together on the pages and it takes strenuous effort of breaking them up before you make sense of the numbers.

However, I appreciate that Larry tried to explain the difference between a Gambler and a Player. He discourages compulsive gambling and using common sense when playing.

Will it work?

Personally, I do not think that it will work for me because I do not understand at all what he was writing. You have to see it for yourself to believe it.

Here is the download link:

The Lotto Black Book PDF

Disclaimer: I am not the owner of the site of the above link and in no way I am associated to the site. The site of the above link may be taken down in the future without notice. If the link is broken when you clicked it, you know that it is gone.


The Lotto Black Book Review – Make Money Online Alternative

“There is never a get rich quick overnight unless you strike Lottery!”, I always tell my readers and my Wealthy Affiliate associates.

Picking 6 numbers out of 49 yields 1 in 14 million chance of winning the Jackpot!

Do you have a dream to achieve Financial Freedom just like you dream of striking Lottery will do for you?

Work hard for your Financial Freedom! Do not wait for the 1 in 14 million chance! You may not even touch or smell the Jackpot in this lifetime.

Wealthy Affiliate is where I learned how to build a Successful Online Affiliate Marketing Business right from the fundamentals.

The Lotto Black Book Review - Wealthy Affiliate University

The best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that I learn how to build my Online Business Passive Income as an Affiliate Marketeer.

What I need to do is to create a website and review products that I am interested in. If my visitors like the products and purchase from my affiliate links. I made a commission from the sales and that’s it!

Wealthy Affiliate comes with live support and help from the owners and the community. Not only that it comes with complete tools and Website building and hosting suite. It’s an all-in-one platform with a monthly fee, and you do not have to worry about other operation costs.

You can even test-drive it first with FREE* Starter Membership.

I have written a comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate Review and perhaps you can find out more from there.


The Lotto Black Book Review – Final Verdict

The Lotto Black Book
Larry Blair
Overall Rating: 

I rated this product 1.0 stars because I think it will not work and there are no solid proofs that someone has won using Larry’s System. Read Lotto Logic’s review above and you’ll understand why. 0.5 stars for Larry’s advice not to be a gambler.

Personally, I think Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to learn about Affiliate Marketing Business as a good alternative for achieving you Financial Freedom dream. I would highly recommend it if you can go through the free* Online Entrepreneur Certification Course (Level 1) to have the first-hand experience of how to build your Affiliate Marketing Business.

Even for the free* course at Wealthy Affiliate, every detail is laid out clearly for a novice with ZERO Affiliate Marketing knowledge.

Again, I stress that it is not a get rich quick course.

If you have the will and hunger to Succeed, you will put your best effort to achieve it. Do you agree? 🙂

My profile is edtay78. If you need a hand in anything, you can always contact me at Wealthy Affiliate.

Wishing you the best!

The Lotto Black Book Review - Edmund





*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.

2 thoughts on “The Lotto Black Book Review – PDF Download

  1. Paul

    Dear Edmund,

    Wow what a thorough review on The Lotto Black Book. Thanks for the great review. There are 1000’s of online program claiming they can help you make money online but at the end of the day they are not. Because of the increased number of online scams it is always advisable to do our own research before buying any product. Here comes the great help from your review making my job easy I will come back to your website to learn more information. Thanks again!

    Your Friend,

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