Gain Higher Ground Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

Gain Higher Ground Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

Gain Higher Ground Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

Gain Higher Ground Review – What is Gain Higher Ground all about? Is Gain Higher Ground Scam or Legitimate? Read this review now!

Gain Higher Ground Review


Product: Internet Affiliate Marketing Training.

Price:  $5 – 7 days trial$37/mth

Owner: Rob Cornish

Suitable for: Novice Internet Marketer

Overview: Gain Higher Ground is an Affiliate Marketing Training Membership Site owned by Rob Cornish. This Membership site contains all the knowledge of Rob Cornish of how he created his Online Business from earning $0 to six figures per year.

Rob Cornish provides 1-1 support and a forum community where you can ask your questions. One of the best Affiliate Marketing Traning Membership sites available.

Gain Higher Ground Review – What is it all about?

I was introduced to Gain Higher Ground Membership Site when one of my readers told me that she has benefited greatly from Rob Cornish’s training.

As an Online Marketing Product reviewer, of course, I am interested to find out more about Gain Higher Ground.

Therefore, I began to dig around and found an introduction YouTube Video by Rob Cornish and I guess he is the best person to tell you what is Gain Higher Ground all about.

Let’s take a look at this 7-minutes video by Rob.


Gain Higher Ground Review – What training it has?

Are you more familiar with Gain Higher Ground after watching the introduction video?

In fact from Gain Higher Ground’s homepage, we can see the contents of the training clearly.

Gain Higher Ground Review-Training

Rob has laid them all straight in front of you on the left-hand side column.

Kudos to Rob because not many Internet Marketing Training Sites are willing to do this. Unless you sign up with them first and then tons of upsells will follow.

( Wealthy Affiliate is another Internet Marketing training academy I know which reveal to you the training contents before you sign up. Wealthy Affiliate will even let you take the first basic course for FREE*. )

Further down the homepage, you can see the list of latest blogs by Rob Cornish. All of them are related to his personal Internet Marketing experience.

Gain Higher Ground Review-Latest Update

There is a wide range of topics in his latest blog updates and I am a little lost at first. I guess these should be categorized as supplement materials. You can read them as and when you need them.

As a new budding Internet Marketer, I would recommend you to follow his popular basic step-by-step training, 15 Steps to Success.

Rob Cornish has since updated it to 15 Steps to Success 2.0.


Gain Higher Ground Review – The Training Contents

These are excerpts from the Gain Higher Ground’s homepage,

#1 Main Contents

Let’s Get Started

  1. Start Here
  2. How To Make Money
  3. What To Do Next

15 Steps to Success

  1. 15 Steps To Success 2.0
  2. Debrief & Next Steps

Profitable Niches

  1. Profitable Niches
  2. The 3 Golden Rules
  3. 12 Awesome Ways…
  4. Search, Profit, Trend
  5. Extra Tips

Real Traffic

  1. Real Traffic
  2. How Google Works
  3. Guest Posting
  4. Keyword Targeting
  5. Live Events
  6. Offering Free Content
  7. WSOs
  8. Interviews
  9. Giveaways
  10. Forum Marketing
  11. Smart CommentingOnline Classifieds
  12. Solo Ads
  13. JVs (Joint Ventures)
  14. The Traffic Escalator

And More…

#2 Download Library

There are also eBooks, resources, and tools available for download at the Download Library within the member’s area.


101 Profitable Niches Analyzed – And How To Make Money From Them – 15,000+ word eBook on how to choose a niche.

15 Steps To Success Email Swipe File – Contains all the follow-up emails that are loaded into the Aweber autoresponder during the 15 Steps to Success training.

Choosing Your Domain Names For your Personal Blog – A guide to help you choose a name for your blog.

#3 Forum

There is a members forum where topics related to Internet Marketing are discussed there.

Gain Higher Ground Review-Forum

It is also observed that Rob Cornish is very active at the Gain Higher Ground Membership Forum.

Gain Higher Ground Review-Forum1


Gain Higher Ground Review – How much does it cost?

Rob Cornish offers a 7 days trial for $5.

If you stay after 7 days, you will be billed $37 monthly thereafter.

There is also a 60 days money back guarantee because Rob distributed this membership site through ClickBank.

Gain Higher Ground Review-60days


Gain Higher Ground Review – My Personal Take.

Gain Higher Ground provides solid step-by-step training for new budding Internet Marketers who wants to learn how to make money Online.

However, I have some concerns as follow.

#1 Sounds too easy to be Successful

From the introductory video and sales pitching page, Rob assures you that it is very simple by just following what he does step by step from the 15 Steps To Success training where he shows you how to build a niche website from scratch.

Yes, building a website is easy, but what comes after that?

There are other aspects of Internet Marketing where he did not mention. You’ll need hard work, commitment, and grit to be successful.

You have to bite the bullet for the first few months because you’ll not see the money from your website until you are able to gain traffics to your website. There are SEO, List Building, Content Building, Social Media Marketing and PPC aspect of making money from your website.

Job Cornish will teach you all these in his training so you do not have to worry as you progress on. What I want to emphasize here is Gain Higher Ground is not a get rich quick method.

Rob Cornish did not become Successful overnight! Just imagine how painstakingly he has built his Gain Higher Ground Membership site over the years with tons of information and knowledge he has gathered.

#2 One man show

Gain Higher Ground gives me an impression that Rob Cornish is running a one man show. I understand that the whole site belongs to him and rightfully he is running the show behind it.

You are tapping mainly on his own knowledge.

There are 1000s of successful Internet Marketers in the World, wouldn’t you like to tab on the knowledge from them at a community where they are there to help the members?

Gain Higher Ground has a forum where you can discuss your ideas and ask questions. Rob Cornish is very active there to help his members too and I applaud his commitment to his members.

What I mean is an Open Education Project Community where anyone can create training for all members.

Imagine the vast knowledge from different experts that you can tap on to scale up your Online Business from these training.

#3 High monthly cost

For $37/mth to stay at Gain Higher Ground membership site is quite high for someone new to Internet Marketing because you still have to pay for your own web hosting.

Gain Higher Ground membership site does not provide hosting services and Rob Cornish recommends Bluehost to his members. Most websites now are build from WordPress and for hosting an WordPress Optimized site at Bluehost you have to pay about $20 monthly.

So this adds up to about $57/mth even before you talk about subscribing to an Autoresponder where you use it for Email marketing.

Again, these are my personal take.


Gain Higher Ground Review – Internet Marketing Training Alternative

I was like anyone new when I was looking for the best Internet Marketing Training to learn about building an Online Business.

Fortunately, I met Kyle and I started my Affiliate Marketing business in 2014 and never looked back since.

Wealthy Affiliate is where I learned how to build a Successful Online Affiliate Marketing Business right from the fundamentals.

Gain Higher Ground Review - Wealthy Affiliate University

The best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that I could start learning how to build my Online Business Passive Income with ZERO prior knowledge on Affiliate Marketing.

It also has an Open Education Project Community with 10,000s of active members where questions get answered within hours, sometimes minutes!

You can even build your first Affiliate Marketing Business with FREE* Starter Membership in the next few minutes!

For a monthly premium, not only you are able to learn from the training, you are able to host up to 50 websites at Wealthy Affiliate at no extra cost! (Note: Domain name subscription is required, usually around $13/year.)

I have written a comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate Review and perhaps you can find out more from there.


Gain Higher Ground Review – Final Verdict

Gain Higher Ground
Owner: Rob Cornish
Overall Rating: 

I rated Gain Higher Ground 4.0 stars because Rob has set up a very good membership site sharing his vast knowledge and experience in Internet Marketing. He is already Successful, therefore I have no doubt if you follow his training closely with the right mindset, you could be successful too.

It would be great if Rob tells us his Gain Higher Ground is not a get rich quick method up front.

The monthly membership fee is definitely not affordable for many to start with considering there are other web hosting related costs.

It would be great too if Rob could consider to lowering his membership fee so that new Online Entrepreneurs can have a better head start in their business.

Wishing you the best!

Gain Higher Ground Review - Edmund





*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.

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