InboxDollars Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

InboxDollars Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

InboxDollars Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

InboxDollars Review – What is InboxDollars or InboxPounds all about? Legit or Scam? Can you make money with InboxPounds or InboxDollars? 

InboxDollars Review

Website: InboxDollars –, InboxPounds –,

Product: Get Paid for Online Activities

Price: Free to Join.

Up-Sell: None.

Owner: CotterWeb Enterprises, Inc.

Suitable for: Person who wants to earn a small amount of supplement allowance per month. (Patience needed.)

Overview: Advertisers use InboxPounds (UK) or InboxDollars (US) to reach their targeted consumers. Members join to perform daily tasks of opening PaidEmails, perform jobs or playing Games. Each activity pays a certain amount of pence or cents. The UK and the US citizens will benefit most as members.

InboxDollars Review – Background

A little background information for you, InboxDollars Inc. was founded in 2000 and it has 5000 companies that pay cash to its members. In 2005, InboxDollars acquired SendEarnings and launched InboxPounds in 2012.

InboxDollars and InboxPounds provide direct cash rewards to millions of members in the U.S. and U.K. respectively for their everyday online activities, such as reading emails, taking surveys, playing games and signing up for offers.

So in actual fact, InboxPounds is a subsidiary of InboxDollars. Can we really earn enough with InboxPounds or InboxDollars to escape the Rat Race?

Le’ts look at some of the activities in details and see how much does each activity can pay out?


InboxDollars Review – PaidEmails

InboxDollars Review - PaidEmailsPaidEmails are emails sent daily by InboxPounds and InboxDollars to their members with special offers that members are likely to be interested in based on their profile and geo locations.

Members simply open the emails sent to them and click the confirm button at the bottom of the email to receive 1p (InboxPounds) or 2cents(InboxDollars) for each confirmation.

Sometimes, members can earn more by signing up for the offer being promoted in the email. Example, some companies might be looking for people to perform some tasks and will pay them for performing the designated tasks. This is an additional payout on top of InboxPounds or InboxDollars.

Of course, not all offers will give additional payouts because it all depends on what the companies out there have to offer.


InboxDollars Review – Cash Tasks

Members can perform Cash Tasks in 3 forms:

InboxDollars Review - Watch Videos


Watching Video and get paid.



InboxDollars Review -Take Surveys


Fill up surveys and get paid.



InboxDollars Review - Perform Tasks


Perform simple tasks and get paid.



Once a member created a free account and activate it through a confirmation email, they will get their first cash (InboxPounds-1Pound, InboxDollars-USD5) credited into their account.

You can earn a few more pence or cents by filling surveys on your general profile, interest or household. These are simple surveys which could take only 5 minutes to fill in.

The purpose is to match you for future surveys, if available, based on your profile, interest and household information you provided.

In addition, they also do not allow more than one account:

  1. In the same Household
  2. With the same Mailing Address
  3. Using the same Computer

The amount of cash payout really depends on the companies asking you to watch their videos, fill up their surveys or performing their tasks. Most of the time they are within few pence/cents. It may be quite rare to have a few pounds/dollars kind of cash tasks within InboxPounds/InboxDollars.


InboxDollars Review – Play Games

Playing games could be interesting for some members to spend some of their spare times. I am curious how do InboxPounds / Inbox Dollars pay me by playing games.

InboxPounds offers me this:

InboxDollars Review - Casino Games

InboxDollars offers me this:

InboxDollars Review - Casino

Both links lead to an online casino site. However, I am not able to access this site because I am residing in Singapore.

InboxDollars Review - not eligible games

So they mean members earn money while playing games is by gambling? This is definitely a nice way to put it! I will definitely discourage any members to play such games.


InboxDollars also offers me this:

InboxDollars Review - Cash Games

This looks more legitimate to me because I see BEJEWELED 2 games. I am able to access to this site when I clicked on it this time. I was transferred to another website [].

InboxDollars Review - worldwinner

This is a third party website that provides a wide variety of games where you can earn reward points to exchange for rewards or participate in their sweepstake that pays real cash.

I did not need to sign up again at this games site. I was automatically given an account ID and logged in when I clicked on the [Play Cash Games] link.

Members have to be careful that some games are real “casino” type games such as jackpots. You have to spend real money to buy credits to play.

Overall I am not impressed by such ways to earn money online by “playing games”. It has gamble intent.


InboxDollars Review – My Personal Takes

#1 Signing up with 3rd Party required to perform tasks

Members may be required to sign up with each company before you can perform the cash tasks. You may be unsure whether the companies you sign up for will have the integrity to keep your information safe and/or not selling to other third parties who may spam your emails.

#2 Low Payouts

The payout for tasks are in pence and cents, it may take quite a while for a member to reach the payout threshold (InboxPounds – 20Pounds, InboxDollars – USD30).

#3 Casino games

Members may fall into the trap of gambling addiction if not being mindful when playing the third party casino games.

#4 Limited tasks for members residing out of the UK or the US

Members not residing in the UK or the US may not get to perform certain cash tasks or play certain games. I am residing in Singapore and I received the following from InboxPounds/InboxDollars.

InboxDollars Review -Not eligible PaidEmails

InboxDollars Review - not eligible games


InboxDollars Review – Make Money Online Alternative

I started my Affiliate Marketing business in 2014 and never looked back since.

Wealthy Affiliate is where I learned how to build a Successful Online Affiliate Marketing Business right from the fundamentals.

InboxDollars Review - Wealthy Affiliate University

The best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that I could start learning how to build my Online Business Passive Income with ZERO prior knowledge on Affiliate Marketing.

Not only that it comes with complete tools and Website building and hosting suite, Wealthy Affiliate comes with live support and help from the owners and the community.

It’s also an all-in-one platform with a fixed monthly fee, and you do not have to worry about other operation costs.

You can even test-drive it first with FREE* Starter Membership in the next few minutes!

I have written a comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate Review and perhaps you can find out more from there.


InboxDollars Review – Final Verdict

InboxPounds – InboxDollars
Owner: CotterWeb Enterprises, Inc.
Overall Rating: 

I rated InboxPounds / InboxDollars 2.0 stars because it is a genuine site that payout cash to its members to perform daily online activities.

However, I hated the idea of sending members to gambling site disguised as “playing games” to earn money.

Members not residing in the UK or the US will not benefit most because they may not get to participate in certain tasks. InboxPounds and InboxDollars targeted consumers are people residing in the UK or the US respectively

If you have spare time, you are residing in the UK or the US and you wish to have a small amount of supplement allowance per month, it is ok to be an InboxPounds / InboxDollars Members.

Wishing you the best!

InboxDollars Review - Edmund





*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.

2 thoughts on “InboxDollars Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

  1. Kim

    Hi, Edmund.

    This is a very comprehensive review of Inbox Dollars. I have learned a lot from this article.
    I will check out the Affiliate Marketing Business Model too.


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