George Brown partnered with Greg Jacobs to launch a limited discounted accounts for App Sniper. What is App Sniper actually? Read more here.
The App Sniper
Website: skybuilder-net
Product: Skybuilder – Drag and Drop Mobile App Builder + ASOptimizer – Greg’s own proprietary App Store Keyword research tool (limited to 3 months access only).
Price: USD997/yr or USD197/mth
Up-Sell: None
Owner: Greg Jacobs (partner with George Brown to tab into his email list.)
Suitable for: Seasoned Affiliate Marketer who is earning income that can afford the premium. For Novice Affiliate Marketer, high entry cost.
Overview: George Brown has been sending his email list about this amazing tool from Greg Jacobs over a few days. George Brown flew to Hong Kong to meet Greg and presented his tools in a very convincing Video that show how Greg can earn more than USD50k in one month.
The App Sniper Review by Edmund
Since mid-Jan 2015, George Brown started to send out a few emails to his email list as follow and some brief content of the emails,
What’s making money NOW, in 2015? (NEW video from me) – 13 Jan 2015
A fellow Google Sniper, (who’s made
a lot of money with it), reached out
all the way from Hong Kong.It concerns… The $40 BILLION
dollar mobile app industry.In which the ‘shift’ we’re seeing toward
this WIDE OPEN market is something
I, and you can’t afford to ignore.I mean not only is this guy killing it,
(to the tune of $50k a month.)But he’s only JUST started.
Quick ‘hi’ from 30,000 feet in the air – 15 Jan 2015
On my way to hong kong.
(Thank god there’s internet on
this flight so I can write this :))What’s going on?
For those who missed earlier emails…
I’m flying all the way to hong kong,
to do an ‘INTERVIEW’ of sorts.About a week ago an old forgotten
friend got in touch promising he may
have stumbled across something big.Long story short… He’s making over $50k
a month SNIPING the mobile app market…With these tiny little push button, 1 minute
to create ‘apps’.
I flew 5,000 miles to show you THIS (THE INTERVIEW) – 16 Jan 2015
FINALLY, we made it!
I really did fly 5,000 miles. That’s how
important it was for you to see this.Finally, watch ‘the interview’ now.
We literally just filmed it. Watch it now
because it won’t be up for long.In person, this has totally blown me away.
The interview is… Crazy.
(He gives away gold. Stuff you need to know.)
I have to take it down. (please read) – 17 Jan 2015
Now, as part of me flying here, Greg
agreed to allow 20 people to come in
and use it alongside me and him…Of course, (as I told him) that wouldn’t
be nearly enough… But he didn’t listen.ANYWAY- After further convincing from
me he’s agreed to release another 10.… Because he now understands not
everyone had the opportunity to sit down
and watch this all yesterday.But you DO need make time and watch
this today.His system literally does everything.
It automates it all, and for free.
I apologize – 19 Jan 2015
First, I apologize.
As you may know I’m currently in
Hong Kong and the ‘App Sniper’
interview generated a bit of a storm…Unofrtunately though-
If you saw the interview too late or waited
around, then you’d know since yesterday
Greg stopped any more orders coming in 🙁Yes, it really wasn’t some tactic, Greg
only released a few spaces for us.(And he slightly oversold by a few copies
your FINAL chance (big news PLUS payment plan?) – 22 Jan 2015
Hey, time is *really* of the essence.
Because after much convincing…
Greg has finally agreed to open up a few more
spaces aboard what we’re calling ‘App Sniper’.(He’s also put the full interview back online).
And it is a MUST WATCH.
… I get him to give away the farm as to how
he’s making over $50k a month in an hour
a day… With push button mobile apps?—————————– ————————–
App Sniper just got more affordable…
—————————— ————————-Since we’ve both been getting so many emails
from snipers who wanted it but just couldn’t
quite afford the big up front fee..Greg has added a monthly option!
You can now get on board App Sniper with
monthly installments.Which should make it a bit easier and ensure
everyone who does want a copy is definetely able
to get one.
The first few email caught my attention and I did sit through the whole Video and watch how George and Greg demonstrate the tools and how George was “persuading” Greg to release 20 accounts instead of just 10 initially.
They did really remove the offer from the public after a few days. Then they put it back on with monthly payment option of USD197/mth. Of course, if you choose to pay monthly, you are going to pay more in the long term.
I guess this is a standard marketing strategy where they create scarcity and demand to attract sales. They definitely sold more than 30 accounts mentioned in the mail. I can imagine Greg and George Hi-5ing each other after this campaign.:)
(As an internet marketer, maybe we can learn something from this campaign strategy.)
To be honest…
I was convinced that Greg’s system is so simple, as easy as he has described,
- Research App Store Keywords using his ASOptimizer tool.
- Build a simple light weight App using Skybuilder and add your niche affiliate links.
- Open your ClickBank Account to check your sales.
I almost punched in my Credit Card number and purchase the system. BUT, something at the back of my mind is holding me back.
The Focus!
I consider myself a novice affiliate marketer as of now as I just started this website about 3 months ago. I have invested some money for training, tools and hosting at Wealthy Affiliate University.
I am building this website using my spare time after my day work and after I gave all my attention to my toddler son each day.
I asked myself, do I have the time and energy to invest another USD997/yr or USD197/mth to jump into this App Sniping System? Where is my focus?
My time is limited each day for my website building, and if I split my time out for another App building system, will I be successful in both?
Most of the time, based on my own experience, the sales pitch/video from any kind of system will make it look so simple and easy to make huge amount of money in the shortest time. The reality is that, hard work is required and not everyone will be as successful as Greg or George in a short time!
A friend, Ian, from Wealthy Affiliate community wrote a blog that hits the nail on the head. He has been a very successful Affiliate Marketer for many years since he was 19 years old. He has recently achieved the top affiliate honor for Wealthy Affiliate and was invited to attend a gathering at Las Vagas.
>> You can read Ian’s blog Here.
(Definitely must read for Novice Marketer like me.)
The Cash flow
Cash flow management is a very important factor when one wants to escape from the Rat Race. By definition, to escape from the Rat Race, one must be able to earn an income more than they can spend every month.
If you think you can afford the monthly premium of the Sniper App system considering your own cash flow, you can go ahead and give it a try and perhaps come back here to share your experience with us. We will really appreciate your sharing.
If cash flow is a problem, I would suggest not to so quickly increase your monthly expenditure but to focus on building one online business first with a niche that is also your passion. As your income grows, you might wish to consider other systems at that time.
The best thing about starting a online business is that you can build multiple streams of income with different niches. However, as you want to build a new website for your new niche, your monthly expenses will increase due to hosting and admin costs depending on where you host your websites.
There are ways to maintain a constant web hosting and admin expenses if you choose the right hosting company. Wealthy Affiliate University allows exactly that! You can build unlimited Websites with no extra cost!
>> Click on Here to check out Wealthy Affiliate University.
If you wish to learn more about cash flow. I would recommend a very good and easy to understand book by Robert Kiosaki. This book was published many years ago and I believe it is still relevant to many of us now.
Click on Here to preview the book.
Final Verdict
The App Sniper
Owners: Greg Jacobs, George Brown
Overall Rating: 3.5 / 5.0
I rated this product 3.5 stars because if you can afford the yearly premium of USD997/yr or USD197/mth, the App Sniper system do have the potential to help you escape the Rat Race.
Again, it will not be as easy as ABC. Efforts are needed to do research for the right niche and build an App around this niche.
If you are one of the “30 persons” that bought the system during this offer, please help to share how you feel about the system by commenting below. Thanks you in advance for creating value in this page.
P.S Who is George Brown, you asked? He is the creator of Google Sniper X and becomes a millionaire at a young age.