EasyHits4U Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

EasyHits4U Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

EasyHits4U Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

EasyHits4U Review – What is EasyHits4U and how does it work? Can you make money with it? Read this EasyHits4U Review.

EasyHits4U Review

Website: easyhits4u.com

Products: Traffic Exchange Site

Price: Free to Join. Premium Upgrades available.

Owner: Relmax, Inc.

Suitable for: Website Owners who like traffic exchange

Overview: EasyHits4U is a platform for Internet Marketers to exchange traffics to their websites. And people could make some small change by viewing websites or referring people to use it.

EasyHits4U was launched in Nov 2003 and it has garnered pretty good reviews from marketers who have been using it since. Is it all that perfect?

EasyHits4U Review – How does it work?

EasyHits4U is a traffic exchange platform in simplicity.

For every website you visit within the platform, you will get one visitor back to your website that you registered there.

There is no limit of how many website you can visit per day. However, there is a minimum time you must stay at the website you visit to earn the credits.

There are 2 options:

EasyHits4u - view time

  1. Choose to view 2 websites for 15 sec each, and get a credit for a visitor back to your website.
  2. Choose to view 1 website for 20 sec, and get a credit for a visitor back to your website.

EasyHits4u - Page PrizeNot just earning credits, you could receive bonuses on each prize page (every 25th page you have viewed) such as,

  1. Credits
  2. Banner and Text Ad impressions
  3. Cash
  4. Premium days (if you have upgraded to Premium)
  5. Surf drawing tickets

You can convert Credits into Banner and Text Ad impressions on the Conversions Page and use them for your banners and text ads

You will also receive $0.30 for every 1000 website views.

You can convert earned Cash into Credits, Impressions, or Premium Days at any time.

Click Here to view an Infographics of how EasyHits4U works.


EasyHits4U Review – Key definitions to note.

What is Credit?

“Credit is the same as one visitor to your site. Each credit you earn can be exchanged for one visitor to your page.” – EasyHits4U.com

What is Banner and Text Ad impression?

“Banner and Text Ad impression is the number of times a banner/text ad is rendered for viewing. One impression is equivalent to one opportunity to see an ad.

Banners and text ads are shown to all members when they surf member sites and also inside the members’ area.” – EasyHits4U.com

What is Surf Drawing Tickets?

“Ten lucky surfers receive a $1 cash bonus each, ten surfers receive 500 credits each, ten surfers receive 5000 banner impressions each, and ten more surfers receive 5000 text ad impressions each.

When the drawing is made at the time of the server restart, winners automatically receive email notifications about their prizes.

After that, all old surf drawing tickets are voided and a new drawing starts. More surfing = More drawing tickets = More chances to win!” – EasyHits4U.com


EasyHits4U Review – Referral

EasyHits4u - Referrals

The other way to earn credits or cash is by referring others to join EasyHits4U.

You will receive a $0.10 cash bonus for every person you refer that surfs 100 or more sites.

As a Free Member, you can earn a percentage of credits earned by your referrals up to 5 levels down.

If you upgrade to Paid Member, you can earn a percentage of credits earned by your referrals up to 6 levels down.

You can earn commissions from referral purchases of Easy Splash Builder and Easy Rotator tools.

10% for Free Member and up to 40% for Paid Member

Click Here to view an Infographics of how EasyHits4U referral works.


EasyHits4U Review – Types of Memberships

EasyHits4U has 3 types of Membership.

EasyHits4u - Membership

Features Free Premium Ultimate
Signup bonus Up to 2500 bonus credits Up to 5000 bonus credits
Bonus credits, banner & text ad impressions (every month) 500 credits, 2000 banner & 2500 text ad impressions every month 1000 credits, 5000 banner & 5000 text ad impressions every month
1:1 exchange ratio on 20-second timer 15-second timer 10-second timer
Conversion rate for geo-targeting 2:1 1:1 1:1
Earn credits from your referrals on 5 levels
6 levels
6 levels
More traffic to your sites yes yes
Extra bonus credits and impressions with the Rewards Program 2-4% extra 4-6% extra
Number of active links 15 Unlimited Unlimited
Number of custom splash pages 3 3 100
Number of rotators 1 2 100
Number of sites in each rotator 10 20 100
Converting credits into banner impressions 1:25 1:35 1:50
Converting credits into text ad impressions 1:50 1:75 1:90
Geo-targeting by regions for all countries yes yes
Random referrals added from direct sign-ups yes yes
Top priority on ad submissions and support requests yes yes
Links appear on the top of each section of our Links Directory yes yes
Higher guaranteed prizes on bonus pages yes yes
Option to set auto-assign all the way to 0% yes yes
Exclusive EasyRotator.com and Easy-Splash.com domains for your rotators and splash pages yes
Beta test access to all future feature releases yes
Paid options at Easy Splash Builder and Easy Rotator for free yes
Commissions from purchases of Easy Splash Builder and Easy Rotator 10% 20% 40%


EasyHits4U Review – Terms to note.

EasyHit4U is a genuine traffic exchange platform that pays out on its terms.

You have to be very careful with the terms so that you’ll not violate it even it is not your intention and risk getting banned.

Here are some excerpts,

Not more than one account per person allowed.
If you create more than one account, all your accounts will be terminated. However, you are welcome to refer your relatives (even if you share the same computer and/or IP address).

Spam is not allowed
If you are found spamming, your account will be terminated right away and you will lose all credits and referrals.

When one is cheating, he is “stealing” from other members. Therefore, members who are found to be cheating the system through the use of programs, robotic methods or any other means will have their accounts terminated immediately. If it becomes necessary for us to terminate an account — all credits and referrals will be forfeited.

You can refer to the full Terms here.


EasyHits4U Review – My Personal Take

Personally, I think the EasyHits4U platform is a very matured traffic exchange system that has won a lot of members over the past 13 years since its beginning.

It offers real opportunities for people who want traffic to their websites and engagement.

People can view websites to earn credits or some prefer to pay instead by upgrading.

However, I have some concerns as follows.

#1 One-Time-Offer

Once you create a free account, you are offered a one-time-offer upgrade.

EasyHits4u - One Time Offer

Although the one-time-offer is significantly cheaper, I do not feel the need to jump on this offer right up front without testing the system first.


#2 Targeted Niche

After viewing over 100 websites, I can generally categorize the targeted niches at EasyHits4U are,

  1. Make money online niche
  2. Traffic niche
  3. Beauty niche

Will it work well with other niches? I am not so sure.


#3 Same Website showed multiple times

Within my first 25 websites viewed, the same Beauty website came up at least 5 times!

Does this mean a total of 5 impressions have occurred but with the same person?

This leads to my next concern.


#4 Do not need to stay on the website

If the same website popped up, I switched my attention to something else.

I can switch to my other browser tab and continue my other work.

The counter still countdown itself even though I did not stay at the page and view the ads at all.

Leadsleap, another traffic exchange I use, does not allow this and handles it expertly.


#5 Slow loading of websites

Some website takes more than 10 secs to load! One did not even showed up at all! The counter still countdown nevertheless.


#6 Short attention span

You are required to view the website for just 20 secs.

Thus, it is more suitable for short landing pages or squeeze pages to capture the most attention within that time frame.


#7 Other non-English languages

Other non-English language websites appeared while I was viewing. I totally do not understand them at all.

Wasted impression or visit?


Lastly, yes, you can make some money with EasyHits4U by viewing websites or by referral.

But I am sure that it will not allow you to attain Financial Freedom as the earnings are just in cents.

You are required to have a large pool of referrals under you who upgrades and purchase the tools within the system to earn a higher commission.

I would prefer to use it as a traffic exchange to direct traffic to my affiliate marketing website.

I will further test it’s traffic quality and conversion rate before I decide to upgrade as paid members.

To make passive income online, I am for an alternative.


Learning How To Make Money Online Alternative

I started my Affiliate Marketing business in 2014 and never looked back since.

Wealthy Affiliate is where I learned how to build a Successful Online Affiliate Marketing Business right from the fundamentals and niche selection.

EasyHits4U Review - Wealthy Affiliate University

The best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that I could start learning how to build my Online Business Passive Income with ZERO prior knowledge on Affiliate Marketing.

Not only that it comes with complete tools and Website building and hosting suite, Wealthy Affiliate comes with live support and help from the owners and the community.

It’s also an all-in-one platform with a fixed monthly fee, and you do not have to worry about other operation costs.

You can even test-drive it first with FREE* Starter Membership in the next few minutes!

I have written a comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate Review and perhaps you can find out more from there.


EasyHits4U Review – Final Verdict

Owner: Jeremy Schoemaker

Overall Rating: 3.5 / 5.0

I rated EasyHits4U 3.5 stars because I think it is a genuine traffic exchange platform.

However, it is not for you to make enough money to be financially free.

It offers interesting ways to motivate members to view websites with bonus and draws.

I would recommend you to Join as a Free Member first to get familiar with the platform and read the T&C.

Test the traffic quality first before you make the upgrade decision.

Wishing you the best!

EasyHits4U Review - Edmund





*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.

8 thoughts on “EasyHits4U Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

  1. G.C.Horton

    EasyHits4U sounds interesting and I appreciate your in depth review, but I’m still suspicious.

    The OTO is off-putting too. Those are just plain unethical. The OTO alone tarnishes the credibility of EasyHits4U.

    Like you mention, it sounds like the quality of the traffic is questionable. So what is the point of driving lukewarm traffic to your site? Just to show the search engines that there’s traffic?

    However, since EasyHits4U has a free trial, it might be worth a try.

    Wealthy Affiliate is far better if someone is serious about building an online business.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi G.C.Horton.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Personally, I do not think that EasyHits4U’s OTO is unethical, just that it was offered to early when someone just created an account.

      As a new free member, I wasn’t sure of what is going on and how does the traffic perform. Jumping right at the OTO offer upfront is risk putting your money down the drain.

      Thus, I recommend any new free member to resist the temptation of huge discounts. If the traffic converts in your favour, I guess you wouldn’t mind paying a little more.

      Yup, Wealthy Affiliate is still my personal choice when come to learning about building an Online Business.

      Wishing you the best!

  2. Juan

    Hi Edmund,

    There are so many ways to make money online that it is hard to differentiate which ones are scams and which ones are legitimate.

    I appreciate you reviewing EasyHits4U since I tend to shy away from websites that I have to invest money in. After reading your concerns I have a much better idea of what this websites has to offer, and now I can make the most informative decision.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Juan, thank you for your comment.

      Indeed, there are so many make money online scams. One really has to be careful and do extensive research first before investing their hard earn money in any products or services.

      I am really glad that this EasyHits4U Review has created values for you. 🙂

      Wishing you the best!

  3. Hannah

    Excellent review of EasyHits4U Edmund!

    I have used similar traffic exchange programs before. The main problem with them is the fact that the traffic is not very good quality. It is definitely not targeted traffic. This is no good to a specific kind of niche like mine, which only appeals to certain types of people!

    Although I can imagine this working well for anyone who is in a more generalised niche which has a larger audience!

    1. Edmund Post author

      Thank you, Hannah!

      You are absolutely right, the traffic may not be suitable for all kind of niches. You really have to test it as a free member first. Do not commit to to a paid plan until you are confident that the traffic at EasyHits4U works in your favour.

      Alternatively, I still recommend Wealthy Affiliate where you’ll learn how to generate Targeted traffic to your business.

      Wishing you the best!

  4. Chris

    Hi Edmund

    Wow, I can’t believe EasyHits4U is still going – I used to use it to get traffic to my first ever blog years and years ago! I suppose these days it’s best to use it for trying to build up an email list – what do you think? Do you feel you could actually make sales through this sort of platform?

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Chris.

      Yup, EasyHits4U is still going strong.

      Since you have used EasyHits4U for your first ever blog years and years ago, how do you find the quality of the traffic then?

      Personally, I feel that certain niche such as “Make Money Online” or “Online Traffic” may perform better in building an email list. When I tried this traffic exchange platform for my own niche, the conversion rate is not very favourable.

      I recommend you to log in and try the traffic now and test the traffic again.

      Wishing you the best!

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