How to check website keyword ranking? – Simplest Way!

How to check website keyword ranking? – Simplest Way!

How to check website keyword ranking? – Simplest Way!

How to check website keyword ranking? Are you looking for ways to check how does your website ranks with certain targeted keywords you used? Psst, I have a very simple way, don’t tell anyone.

How to check website keyword ranking?

Hi there, Edmund here.

Most of the time, when I published an article, I would love to know how does it perform in the ranking withing the top search engine.

If it does not rank well with a certain keyword I choose, I would fine tune my article’s SEO and check again a few days later.

Do you wish to know how well your article rank too?

In this article, I am going to show you how I check my website ranking with my targeted keywords using Jaaxy.

I will also share with you what I would do to improve the SEO of my article if it’s website ranking is not at my targeted first page ranking.


Jaaxy Site Rank

I am going to use my Jaaxy Review article as an example here.

How to check website keyword ranking? - Jaaxy Review

From the title of the article, it is obvious that I am using 2 keywords for my article ranking.

  1. Jaaxy Review (short keyword)
  2. What is the best keyword research tool for SEO (longtail keyword)

Now, I want to check how my article ranks for these 2 keywords.

I could do the tedious way by just typing the targeted keyword in Google search box and scroll down the results page by page to find my article’s rank. Not a time efficient way!

There are definitely some free tools out there that could help you find your site ranking.

But, I am going to use Jaaxy’s Site Rank to illustrate to you how simple it is to find out my article ranks for these 2 keywords.


How to check website keyword ranking? – Research

To find out how your article rank, all you have to do is to type in your targeted Keyword and your website URL. Simple as that!

How to check website keyword ranking? - Jaaxy Site Rank Research

Hit the [Search] button, and you’ll see this,

How to check website keyword ranking? - Jaaxy Site Rank - Research

From the search results, you can see that my article is not performing very well in the ranking with the keyword “Jaaxy Review“.

Found in position 98, page 10 and despite it has 8 places improvement since I last checked.

Similarly, for “What is the best keyword research tool for SEO” keyword, I did not do well too.

Found in position 120, page 12 and it has dropped 14 places since I last checked.

So what can I do to improve the search ranking?


How to check website keyword ranking? – Improvement

Jaaxy Review” keyword is a high competition according to my research earlier. However, since the keyword “Jaxxy Review” has given me a higher ranking comparing on the long tail one.

I will try to enhance my article’s SEO by the following.

  1. Change my title’s keywords position with “Jaaxy Review” in front now.
  2. Change my meta description to place “Jaaxy Review” as the first word.
  3. Adding “Jaaxy Review” keywords in the Alt-text of all images.
  4. Adding a few more “Jaaxy Review” keywords naturally within my article content.

How to check website keyword ranking? - Jaaxy Site Rank - Improvement

How to check website keyword ranking? - Jaaxy Site Rank - Improvement 1

That’s all I will do for now.

I will check if the ranking has improved a few days later to allow Google to re-index my page.


Important Note

Please note that your newly written article may require a few days for Google’s spider to crawl your page and index your article.

Using Jaaxy Site Rank to search for your article ranking immediately after you published a new article is gonna to disappoint you.

Please be patient and focus on your other articles first. Alright? 🙂

Well, isn’t that simple?

I hope you have a better understanding of how to do your site ranking research using Jaaxy and how to improve your article for better ranking now.

I will update this article again if there are any changes of my ranking again.


How to check website keyword ranking? – Update 1 (21/9/15)

It’s been 3 days since I made some SEO changes to my Jaaxy Review Article. I did a Site Rank check again today.

How to check website keyword ranking? - Update 1

My ranking has dropped 3 places.

How to check website keyword ranking? - Update 1.2

Indeed “Jaaxy Review” is a high competition keyword and it is really not so easy to rank.

I have to go back to my keyword research. Will update again.


How to check website keyword ranking? – Update 2 (22/9/15)

I have found a new long tail keyword today and will try to rank with this.

How to check website keyword ranking? - Update 2

I have added the year “2015” for more specific search.

Let’s see how this keyword turns out. 🙂


How to check website keyword ranking? – Update 3 (24/9/15)

Today, I did a check on my website keyword ranking for my Jaaxy Review article again.

Let’s take a look,

How to check website keyword ranking? - Update 3.1

The longtail keyword “Free keyword research tool for SEO” ranks on Position 89 on Page 9.

No so impressive yet.

Adding the year “2015” for more specific search yields 2nd-page ranking at position 20.

The more specific long tail keyword I used has greatly improved my website ranking!

Out of curiosity, I typed “Jaaxy Review 2015” for my site ranking search.

How to check website keyword ranking? - Update 3.2

To my surprised, Position 5 on Page 1!

Better results today. 🙂



Feel free to comment below if you need any clarification.

Wishing you the best!







8 thoughts on “How to check website keyword ranking? – Simplest Way!

  1. Dave Sweney

    Hi Edmund,

    Excellent article using your own post as a case study in how you can make moves to improve your ranking for google search engine bots!

    I see that you use Jaaxy as your keyword search tool. Have you tried other programs or is this the one that you received with the Wealthy Affiliate site?

    The reason I am asking is that in doing research for a good keyword tool, there seem to be many out there, and depending on the review, one or the other is recommended…

    It will be interesting to see how the change in keywords will come out long term for the ranking of your article on Google.I hope you update this post as that happens!

    Have you thought of adding a video to your article and getting that to rank on page one? This is a quick way that also may work to get a quicker move up the rankings. I urge you to do some research yourself and see what I mean…

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Dave, thanks so much for your comment and recommendations.

      Yes, I am using Jaaxy (Pro Version) as my keyword research tool. It is much comprehensive than the free tool provided at Wealthy Affiliate Site.

      I have seen other Keyword research tools, either they are too complicated to use or they charge an exorbitant amount for a monthly fee.

      In the end, I decide to use Jaaxy because it is so much simple to use and very affordable too.

      I have not thought of adding a video in this case. I would love to try to add one and see how the ranking of this article goes! Thanks for sharing!

      Yup, I will be updating this article on the ranking progress. Do check back again.

      Wishing you the best!

  2. Kim

    Hi Edmund,

    Thanks for sharing this simple way to check website keyword ranking. I really like the tool, Jaaxy, you recommended in this post.

    You have used your own Jaaxy Review page as an example to demonstrate how to make use of the Site Ranking feature to work together with Keyword research and SEO techniques. It provides me with a holistic view of how to put these techniques together to rank a page.

    I learned a lot from you today! Thanks again Edmund.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Kim, thanks for your comment.

      I am really glad that this article has created values to you today. You must understand that not all keywords you use will let Google rank you at the top. You’ll need some trials and fine tuning. Most importantly, keep experimenting.

      Wishing you the best!

  3. Chris

    Hi, Edmund,

    I’ve been trying to find a legit way to do this for months now but all the forum posts I read tell me not to do it. Apparently if I use one of those free tools online to check my ranking it is against Google’s terms and policies – I have a feeling they may be able to catch you. Have you heard of this and do you know a way around it?

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Chris!

      Nope, I have never heard that is it against Google’s TOS to check ranking using free tools online. I have done it so many times and it does not affect me at all.

      Wishing you the best!

  4. Galen

    Hi Edmund,

    Great post! I didn’t know Jaaxy can help that much in improving a page’s ranking. I’m gonna upgrade my Jaaxy account to Pro.


    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Galen!

      Thanks! Hope you find Jaaxy useful!

      Remember, Jaaxy is a tool to help you with Keyword research and Ranking analytics. Jaaxy will not “help” you improve your page rank. It is what you apply to your contents with your research that is going to help improve your page ranking. 🙂

      Wishing you the best!

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