Can I Make Money Online For FREE? – You wish!

Can I Make Money Online For FREE? – You wish!

Can I Make Money Online For FREE? – You wish!

There is no free lunch in this World, but there is this free* make money online course in the Online World. Really? Legit or Scam?

Can I Make Money Online For FREE?

Hi, Edmund here.

I love FREE stuff. So do many people out there, including you right? 🙂

We often hear the phrase, “There is no free lunch in this World” and in reality, it seems to be true 99% of the time because when something is FREE, there is an underlying reason for it to be FREE.

The 1% out of the norm is perhaps for a charitable cause, it is really FREE.

Do you agree with me?


You can learn how to make money online for FREE…

What I am going to share with you is another gem of the rare 1% that happens out of the norm found in the Online World.

It is not for charity, yet the underlying reason is honestly 100% FREE*.

It is Wealthy Affiliate University’s FREE* Online Entrepreneur Certification course. This course is tailored made for new Online Entrepreneurs who are just starting out to look for opportunities to make money Online.

This course teaches the A-Z, from setting up a website to creating captivating contents to attract and monetizing visitors of your Online Business.

You can learn more from my personal review of Wealthy Affiliate University.


Can I make money online for FREE? – But…

Have you forgotten about other costs at home involved even before you start making money online?

1. Hardware Cost – Computers/Laptops.

2. Internet Connection Cost.

3. Electricity Cost.

So you see, in any business there is always a start-up cost, just that the amount is different for different type of businesses.


Can I make money online for FREE? – Is FREE really good?

Can I make money online for FREE? - Cash

Many Offline Business owners dump in $100,000s of start-up cost for rents, renovation, inventories and manpower resources even before they start making their first dollars.

Do you think the Offline Business owners will give up months after starting when the money they make do not break-even the initial investment? No!

The Offline Business owners planned and took calculated risks. They are even prepared to break-even a few years down the road, which means it is all in the Red for the first few years.

The pain of giving up is excruciating.

The irony of starting an Online Business is its low start-up cost. People tend to give up easily when they do not see the money for the first few months because the pain of losing $100s is mild.

Not even a pinch if it’s FREE. Agree?


Can I make money Online for FREE? – What is your motivation?

This is the correct question you should ask yourself instead.

Your motivation of making money online and the meaning behind it are the driving force for your Success.

You will not give up easily even it is FREE or with a low start-up cost.

You know you will achieve your goals and the great success if you keep moving forward as long as you do not give up.

Are you with me?


Can I make money online for FREE? – Let’s get started!

If you are really serious about learning how to make money online for free, already knew your motivation and meaning behind your goals and success, click the “Get Started Now” button below.

Sign up the FREE* Online Entrepreneur Certification course at Wealthy Affiliate University and start learning. I will guide you along once you are at the FREE* Starter Members Area.

Can I make money online for FREE? - Take Action


See you at the members’ area!

Can I make money online for FREE? - Edmund





*Please note that some countries are not able to enjoy FREE Starter Membership due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.


6 thoughts on “Can I Make Money Online For FREE? – You wish!

  1. Chris

    There are 1000’s of ways to create money online for free but unfortunately they all need one vital ingredient – work.
    People come online and expect to make millions off a 3 page blog – ain’t gonna happen!
    I’m interested in the certification course you are covering here in your article – it is obviously free right?

    1. Edmund Post author

      Yes, Chris, 1000s of ways to create money online for free, and hard work is the key ingredient. There is also another important ingredient, persistence. Without it, most would give up after creating their 3rd page of a blog when they do not see the money.

      The certification course is absolutely free. However, people from certain countries are not able to enjoy the free course due to high frequency of SPAM and fraud. You can refer to my disclosure page for more details.

      Head over Wealthy Affiliate University and check out the FREE* course. You’ll be amazed!

      See you there!

  2. christian wijaya

    HI Edmund, I am really sure that free is not bad at all. Sometimes we can offer a free course to make sure people like before they buying. I read your review about Wealthy Affiliate, are they free course?

    Can I take a look inside to make sure before I joining? Honestly, I have heard many peoples discuss about WA, and all are positive review. Thanks for your nice review

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Christian, thanks for your comment and questions.

      Yup, Wealthy Affiliate indeed provide a 10 lessons free* Online Entrepreneur Certification Course!

      You can take a look at the lessons, use the 2 free* SiteRubix website provided and have some hands-on experience of setting up your very first Online Business Website. I am sure you’ll be impressed too!

      Go ahead and create a free account here. Drop me a reply if you need a hand in anything.

      See you at the free* Starter Member area!

  3. steve

    Hi Edmund,

    What I really like about wealthy affiliate is the fact I’ve learnt new skills from its free Online Entrepreneur Certification Program.

    I never knew how to build a website or even where to start. I now have 4 websites and can do another 23, And the websites will generate income for me once I’m fully up and running.

    This isn’t a get rich quick but certainly isn’t a scam. You got good knowledge and new skills from Wealthy Affiliate, but you got to put in your best effort too!

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