Earn Cash Yearly Review – Legitimate or Scam?!? – Damn!

Earn Cash Yearly Review – Legitimate or Scam?!? – Damn!

Earn Cash Yearly Review – Legitimate or Scam?!? – Damn!

Earn Cash Yearly Review – What is Earn Cash Yearly and how does it work? Can you make money with Earn Cash Yearly? Is Earn Cash Yearly a Scam? Read this review now!

Earn Cash Yearly Review

Website: earncashyearly.com

Products: Domains with pre-fabricated 300+ posts/pages each

Price: $2.95 – ( 7 Days Trial, then $52) – 1 domain, $147 – 10 domains package

Owner: Jean (Fake person maybe)

Suitable for: None

Overview: Earn Cash Yearly is just one of the many products Jane has created. It offers you a free sub-domain that contains 300 prefabricated pages that are cloaked with your Google AdSense ID and Click Bank Affiliate ID.

It is a Click Bank product and thus offers a 60 days money back guarantee. Nevertheless, don’t waste your time on this.

Earn Cash Yearly Review – What is it all about?

It is sad and annoying whenever I come across product such as this.

This kind product is conceived from a pack of lies with the purpose of conning innocent and honest people who just want to find a way to make an Online Income.

Yes, this is what Earn Cash Yearly all about!

Let’s find out more.


Earn Cash Yearly Review – What is Google AdSense?

Earn Cash Yearly Review - Google Affiliate Program

According to Jean,

“Let me explain one thing before we get started.  I have been getting emails from all over the world asking me why would I help people make money with Google and Clickbank.  Well, let me explain that real quick.  I have an independent contract I set up with Google about seven years ago.  This is how it works.  Google has created my own special link that will track every person I sign with the Google AdSense program which is Free to Join.

The truth is the Google Affiliate Program no longer existed.

Google has since been using AdSense for Affiliate Marketers to earn Advertising Income when they display the AdSense Ad Widgets on their website. Anyone can join this program for free.

Read this :

An update on Google Affiliate Network

Why does Jean not even bother to update on this?

What this means is that whether you earn money or not with Google, it has nothing to do with her anymore.

Is she still committed to helping you succeed?


Earn Cash Yearly Review – What is Click Bank?

Earn Cash Yearly Review - Click BankClick Bank is an Affiliate Marketplace where marketers create products and market to the public using Click Bank platform.

You can find all sorts of products from How to train a dog? to How to make money Online?

Once you create an affiliate account with Click Bank, you are able to promote the products at the Click Bank’s Marketplace using your unique hop links.

If anyone buys the products through your hop links, you’ll earn a commission.

You can find how ClickBank works in details here.


Earn Cash Yearly Review – How do these come together?

Alright, this is how Earn Cash Yearly works in simplicity.

  1. You pay to get a sub-domain from Jean’s server. (You pay for 1 or 10 of the sub-domains)
  2. Jean loads each of these sub-domain with 300+ prefabricated posts/pages.
  3. Jean cloaks all the Google AdSense ad with your Google AdSense ID.
  4. Jean cloaks all the ClickBank Product Banners with your unique hop links.
  5. When anyone visits your posts/pages clicks on the Google Ads, you earn the ads cost per click (no purchase is required to earn cost per click.).
  6. When anyone visits your posts/pages clicks on the Click Bank’s Banner Ad and purchase the product, you earn the commission for that particular product. (Noted that each Product’s commission varies.)


Well, on theory, this could work provided,

  1. Your website contains valuable and unique contents.
  2. Your website provides good user experiences.
  3. Your website does not engage in any black-hat SEO strategies such as Keyword stuffing or unauthorised backlink strategies.

But, will it work on Earn Cash Yearly?


Earn Cash Yearly Review – Bound to Fail.

#1 Duplicate Contents

From Earn Cash Yearly homepage, Jean provided a sample page that comes in one of your 300+ prefabricated pages.

Earn Cash Yearly Review - Sample Page

Sample Page

The problem here is, of all the 300+ pages, the contents are very similar to the sample page you have just seen.

Search Engines, especially Goggle dislike Duplicate Contents.

#2 Keyword Stuffing

Now, let’s look at the keyword of this article. This article is about free web hosting.

Earn Cash Yearly Review - Keyword Stuffing


Notice the many “Free Web Hosting” or “Free Webspace” keywords stuffed into the contents?

Keyword stuffing is a big NO according to Google Spamdexing.

#Back links

Since Google updated its search algorithm, Penguin, the backlinks SEO strategies employed by many companies before no longer works.

Earn Cash Yearly Review - Back Linking

“I have a secret linking strategy with text-link-ads.com and powerlinks.com where I will link your 300+ webpages with hundreds of websites that get tons of web traffic which in return will pass great traffic to your 300+ webpages and also get your 300+ webpages high in all the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask.com, AOL etc.”

So either Jean does not keep herself updated of Google’s Search Algorithm or she is an outright liar.

Imagine, what if there are just 10 persons who bought 10 domains each.

There are going to have 30,000+ duplicated, keyword stuffed and black hat SEO backlinked pages!!!

With these, I can assure you that your 300+ post/pages contents purchased from Jean will never get ranked in the Google or other search engines.

If your pages do not appear on the first search result page, there will be no visitors to your post/pages to click on the ads or banner. Thus, no money is going to be made!

Understand better now?

Next, let’s do some common scam red flag observations of the EarnCashYearly.com website.


Earn Cash Yearly Review – #1 Home Based Business Website in the WORLD?!?

Earn Cash Yearly Review - No1 Home Base Business Website in the World

Where is the credential for this?

Which organization credited this Earn Cash Yearly product as No. 1?
Earn Cash Yearly Review - Small Business Opportunities Magazine

“As seen in the #1 home based business magazine in the nation (Small Business Opportunities Magazine)”

Sorry, I cannot find a magazine call “Small Business Opportunities”.

It has already ceased to exist.

Earn Cash Yearly Review - SBO Mag ceased

Source: Magazine Agent

Small Business Opportunity Website is also gone.

There was no Small Business Opportunities Magazine archive that mentioned about Earn Cash Yearly too!

(If you can find, please let me know.)


Earn Cash Yearly Review – Little Income Proof?

Take a look at the income proof screenshot I gathered about Earn Cash Yearly.

Earn Cash Yearly Review - Income Proof 2013

July to October 2013 – $27,852.11


Earn Cash Yearly Review - Income Proof 2015

July to October 2015 – $27,852.11

Jane made the exactly the same about down to the cents in 2013 and 2015!

Was she too lazy to update her website and by just merely changing the year?!

Were the figures even real?

It’s the year 2016 when I am writing this review. She has not updated the year yet.

I am pretty sure, the same figure will be the same for the future years to come. 🙂


Earn Cash Yearly Review – Fake Testimonial

Look at this newly updated testimonial at the home page.

Earn Cash Yearly Review - Fake Testimonial

“We always ask for a picture of our clients and here is a picture that we asked them to send us.”

Oh, common, what a big fat lie! 

Earn Cash Yearly Review - Stock Photo

Click Image to enlarge.

The picture is from Shutterstock!!


Earn Cash Yearly Review – My Personal Take

Although you are able to make money from Google Adsense and Click Banks, you are required to put in your hard work to create valuable contents for your website visitors.

In this way, your posts/pages will be ranked high on the search result page and potentially have more visitors.

Do not believe anyone who tells you that you can make money Online fast and easy, or they do all the work and you just sit back and watch the money rolling in. They are all liars and scammers!

To learn how to make money Online, I would definitely prefer Wealthy Affiliate’s way of building your Online business while you are learning on the go.

And yes, its Free*!


Earn Cash Yearly Review – Online Income Alternative

I started my Affiliate Marketing business in 2014 and never looked back since.

Wealthy Affiliate is where I learned how to build a Successful Online Affiliate Marketing Business right from the fundamentals.

Earn Cash Yearly Review - Wealthy Affiliate University

The best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that I could start learning how to build my Online Business Passive Income with ZERO prior knowledge on Affiliate Marketing.

You can even build your first Affiliate Marketing Business with FREE* Starter Membership in the next few minutes!

I have written a comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate Review and perhaps you can find out more from there.


Earn Cash Yearly Review – Final Verdict

Earn Cash Yearly

Owner: Jean

Overall Rating: 

I rated Earn Cash Yearly 0.0 stars because Jean is an outright liar and scammer.

Going through my research and observations above, it is obvious to me that Earn Cash Yearly is a 100% SCAM.

Do not waste your time on this.

Earn Cash Yearly Review- Edmund





*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.

6 thoughts on “Earn Cash Yearly Review – Legitimate or Scam?!? – Damn!

  1. Kim

    Hi, Edmund.

    It infuriates me when scammers go all out to lie to honest people who are just seeking an honest way to make money online. Especially using stock pictures and claimed that they are the real testimonial. This is dishonest and despicable.

    Thank you for exposing Earn Cash Yearly in this review.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Kim.

      Yup, this is how dangerous the Online World could be!

      If anyone is not putting his/her due diligence to research about a product before he/she jumps in and if he/she believes that make money online can be fast and easy, he/she is gonna to get scammed and learns the lesson the hard way.

      I wish my effort will reach out to the many new budding Online Entrepreneurs and help them avoid the hard lessons.

      Wishing you the best!

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