Secure Home Income Kit Review – Read Me First! Damn!

Secure Home Income Kit Review – Read Me First! Damn!

Secure Home Income Kit Review – Read Me First! Damn!

Secure Home Income Kit Review – 1 Step away to your PAYDAY or 1 Step away to PAY THEM?! Read this review before you fill in the form.

Secure Home Income Kit Review

Website: secure-securinghomeincome-com

Product: Affiliate Marketing Courses

Price: USD1.95 to activate an account for 5 days trial, USD29.95/mth after the trial period ends.

Up-Sell: Courses ranges from USD400+ to USD4000+. (You got to be kidding!)

Owner: Logix9, LLC

Suitable for: None!

Overview: Securing Home Income Kit has evolved over the years their tactics of scamming their victims. Creating convincing sites with fictional characters and stories as baits. Once the victims are attracted to the baits, the traps come crashing down on them.

Secure Home Income Kit Review – What is it all about?

How has this Virus mutated over the years? 5 years or more ago you can see similar system offering people opportunity to work from home using similar tactics.

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Simply fill in a form and you’ll start earning money!

Well, the forms to collect your personal details and credit card details are still the same.

The sales pitch has changed:


Old: USD2.95 Shipping and Handling fee for a Kit to be sent to you. 3 days trial from the day you key in your credit card details. Once the trial ends, you will be billed USD139.95 one-time fee and USD4.95 monthly fee thereafter. Up-Sell sale call come in later.

New: USD1.95 account activation for 5 days trial, USD29.95 monthly fee after trial ends. Up-Sell sale call come in later.

I guess maybe there were many complaints on the old system that the 3 days trial period ended even the victims receive the kit. They have changed the sales pitch to a more reasonable one for victims to buy into it.

(There could be a few variation of the cost depending on the country you are residing in.)


Secure Home Income Kit Review – The Bait!

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There are many fictional sites that are created to promote this Secure Home Income Kit. Created by the owner or their affiliates.

Commonly used baits are:

  • 1. Mother lost her job, unsuccessful job hunts, work online and start making money with this kit.
  • 2. Fake Comments edited to look like real comments.
  • 3. Screenshot of a Fake Pay Check.
  • 4. Fake Testimonials.

You can see an example HERE for case study purpose. Do not get attracted by this kind of baits. Why?

  • 1. Click on the tabs above the Websites. Where do they lead you? Any valuable contents?
  • 2. Read the whole chunk of T&C at the bottom of the Website carefully. What did it say?
  • 3. The domain name is EvilDrome! Did not get the hint?

You see, most victims are too blinded by the attractive and convincing baits. With the prospect of easy money, they tend to ignore disclosure or T&C and jump in right away. (Yes, the words are purposely written in a manner that is difficult to read, but still does read it once.)

Please do not get too emotional over such sugar-honey sites. Be rational, do a review research on Google first.


Secure Home Income Kit Review – The Trap!

Secure Home Income Kit Review - 3If you are hooked by the bait, you will provide them with your personal details.

After you filled in your personal details, the next form is the big fat trap to get your Credit Card details.

Still, there are people walking into the trap willingly.

Because of the too good to be true, start earning money tonight promise.

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After you fill in your credit card details, you will be billed USD1.95 for a 5days trial and then USD29.95 per month after that.

So, is that all you need to pay so that you can start earning your share of 2.8 Billion tonight?


Secure Home Income Kit Review – The Truth

Once you join, you will face with a series of up-sell. If you have checked the little box under the personal particular form. “I have received the disclosures” and clicked the link, you would have found out more.

When you are in the Disclosure Page, you are going to be greeted with a HUGE chunk of Capitalised words again.

In summary, there is a total 12 variation of courses that could be up-sold to you and each of them cost differently. The courses range from a few hundreds to a few thousand. Click on any link within the Disclosure Page to see the agreement clause and the cost to each option.

  • Basic Option 1 to 6.
  • Advance Option 1 to 3.
  • Tools Option 1 to 6.

They make you believe that big companies like are going to pay you for helping them to do links placement.

In actual fact, what they are teaching you is simply affiliate marketing by placing your own affiliate links to websites, social media or forums to earn a commission when someone clicks on your links and buys something from Amazon!

There are FREE* courses on Affiliate Marketing online and you do not even need to pay a single cent for this kind of learning!


Secure Home Income Kit Review – Free* Course

I started my Affiliate Marketing business in 2014 and never looked back since.

Wealthy Affiliate is where I learned how to build a Successful Online Affiliate Marketing Business right from the fundamentals.

Secure Home Income Kit Review - Wealthy Affiliate University

The best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that I could start learning how to build my Online Business Passive Income with ZERO prior knowledge on Affiliate Marketing.

You can even build your first Affiliate Marketing Business with FREE* Starter Membership in the next few minutes!

I have written a comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate Review and perhaps you can find out more from there.


Secure Home Income Kit Review – The Victims

After doing some research on this Secure Home Income Kit Review, I found several honest people who got scammed by this and these are screenshots of their comments.

Secure Home Income Kit Review - Victim 1

Secure Home Income Kit Review - Victim 2

Secure Home Income Kit Review - Victim 3

Secure Home Income Kit Review - Victim 4

Secure Home Income Kit - Victim 5


Secure Home Income Kit Review – Final Verdict

Secure Home Income Kit
Logix9, LLC
Overall Rating: 

I rated this product 0.0 stars because this kit is a total scam!

Secure Home Income Kit over promises and under delivers. It will never help you achieve Financial Freedom and possibly make you a few hundred bucks poorer.

Everyone should avoid.

If you have any experience with Home Securing Income Kit, feel free to comment below to share with us. You could help others in avoiding scams like this too.

Wishing you the best!

Secure Home Income Kit Review - Edmund





*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.

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