How to make money Online as a College Student? – Wealthy Affiliate!

How to make money Online as a College Student? – Wealthy Affiliate!

How to make money Online as a College Student? – Wealthy Affiliate!

How to make money Online as a College Student? Do you want to know how other College Students are making money Online successfully? Shocking!

How to make money Online as a College Student?

As technology improves, the way things are taught in school is no longer like the old days! A Teacher and a Blackboard was all we had in the classroom in the past.

Now, some schools require parents to buy tablet computers for their children so that they can have more visuals and interactive lessons.

As young people are exposed to the Internet, they are inevitably exposed to many scams telling them that they can make money Online easily and fast.

How to make money Online as a College Student? - Mark Zuckerberg Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg

On the other hand, they have seen many successful stories of college drop out turn billionaire from their Online venture and aspire to be like them.

If you are a College Student and looking for ways to make money Online, you are at the right place.

I am going to share with you how to make money Online as a College Student, and how to be a Successful one without getting scammed.



Oh, btw you are not going to get rich overnight. If you are looking for ways to get rich overnight, leave this page now. You’ll save more time for your studies.


How to make money Online as a College Student? – Motivations

As a college student, are you motivated by the money to pay for your college?

Are you motivated by the possibility of no need to look for a job upon graduation?

Are you motivated to be another Mark Zuckerberg?

This is very important because it will determine how successful you’ll be.

*Please share in the comment below, as I would like to hear more of your motivation to make money online.


How to make money Online as a College Student? – Start with the right mindset

Once you are 100% sure of your motivation, you must laser your vision towards your Goal and set your mind with the right expectation.

Read >> 3 commitment to Wealthy Affiliate Success

Read the above post and I’ll wait for you here.


How to make money Online as a College Student? – 4 Steps to make money online

Once you have set your minds right, now you need to understand how making money online works.

Read >> 4 steps to become a Successful Wealthy Affiliate

Read the above post and come back here again.


How to make money Online as a College Student? – Time management

How to make money Online as a College Student? - Time Management Wealthy AffiliateAs a college student, you are not 100% available to your Online Business. You need to juggle between your studies and your Online Business.

Thus, it is very important for you to manage your time properly. Plan how many hours per day you can commit to your Online Business and stick to it.

When you are working on your Online Business, focus and get your work done.

Put away your Mobile, cut yourself out from any Chat Group and log out of your Facebook!

Read >> Time Management Skill, “Success is a daily habit”


How to make money Online as a College Student? – Money management

In all businesses, it is recommended that you manage your cash flow properly, especially if you are still a college student.

You may not have a steady source of income as a college student unless you are on a scholarship program.

Never borrow money to buy expensive products of MLM or any product that promises you riches overnight!

There are many FREE* resources such as Wealthy Affiliate University’s Online Entrepreneur Certification Program.

It is important to manage the cash flow of your business.

Cashflow Quadrant Robert Kiosaki

If you wish to learn more about cash flow. I would recommend a very good and easy to understand book by Robert Kiyosaki. This book was published many years ago and I believe it is still relevant to many of us now.

Click on Here to preview the book.




How to make money Online as a College Student? – Wealthy Affiliate University

How to make money Online as a College Student? - Wealthy Affiliate University Top

Wealthy Affiliate University is where many people from all walks of life gather to learn, motivate and teach one another in the community.

There are many college students in there too. Some are already very successful and some are just getting started.

Guess what?

The owner of Wealthy Affiliate University, Kyle, started out his Online Business as a College Student too!

Even Wealthy Affiliate University is in its 10th years (as of the time of this post), Kyle is still very active in the community to provide advice and help every day!

I invite you over to Wealthy Affiliate University to join the community and get started with the FREE* Online Entrepreneur Certification Program.

Go through the FREE* lessons and experience the gist of Making Money Online.

Read >> My Wealthy Affiliate Journey.


Check out the following College Students’ blogs from Wealthy Affiliate University

How WA Impacted The Life of a College Student  by NigelItem

My First Sale  by ninjazrb

This Platform is my Home by DroGodina


How to make money Online as a College Student? - create account

*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.



24 thoughts on “How to make money Online as a College Student? – Wealthy Affiliate!

  1. Adrian

    Whoa! What an informative site! I love how engaging your article was. I wish I was still a college student so I could have built money right and not put it towards MLM but I think that experience has taught me valuable lessons.

    I thank you for inspiring the future generation and providing them with the tools they will need to succeed! Especially with how fast paced everything is now, this info is surely needed!


    1. Edmund Post author

      Hey Adrian, thanks for your comment. I agree with you that the Online World is very fast paced now.
      A lot of “shiny make money online products” comes and disappears after they scammed enough honest people of their hard earned cash.
      We have to be careful not to jump into any empty promises of riches in this Online World.

      I really hope that this article can reach out to as many college students as possible so that they would know myths and truths of Online Marketing.

      Wishing you Success!

  2. Roger Lee

    Hi Edmund, this is a solid post and very well structured. However, I’d prefer if this article relates to you a bit more so it adds sort of an insight to your experiences with Wealthy Affiliate.

    Anyhow, Good luck in your future works!

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Roger, thanks so much for your comment and suggestion. I wish I could be a college student again. 🙂

      Yes, I have added a link to my Wealthy Affiliate University Review. This is more from a perspective a working adult’s experience with Wealthy Affiliate University.

      Thanks for your wishes and wishing you the best too!

  3. Greg


    This post is very useful. I like to read it and it really shows how you can learn the basics of online money making.

    Thanks for your post.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hey Greg, you are right. The gist of Online Money Making is really starting from the basics. Avoid all the mistakes other people make and build from the foundation up.

      Wealthy Affiliate University provides all the training that help any new Online Internet Marketer starts from the basics and guide them to be the next expert.

      Thanks for reading and wish you the best!

  4. Zachary

    Thanks for this informative article. How many hours a day does one need to be with Wealthy Affiliate University? How long does it take to be successful with making money online?

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Zachary, thanks for your comment and these are very valid questions.
      How many hours a day really depends on your daily schedule. How many hours a day can you commit to learning at Wealthy Affiliate University?
      All Wealthy Affiliate University’s courses and training are self-learning. You can learn as quickly as you want or take your time to digest the information slowly.

      To be successful is to each’s definition of successful. The time that you takes to reach your goals will depends on how much effort and time that you are willing to commit to it. Moreover, are you willing to persist even if you do not see any money for the first six months or more?

      A good read >> How to become an Online Internet Marketer?

      This post will help one clear some myths of making money online.
      Wishing you Success!

  5. Marc

    Thanks for the great article. I loved it. My daughter is getting ready to go to college and she was peaking over my shoulder to see what I was reading. She was hooked. Any other suggestions you have that were not in the article that I can let her know? Thanks again for the article. I will let you know how it goes.


    1. Edmund Post author

      You are most welcome Marc! Please say hi to her.

      I wouldn’t suggest anymore other than heading down to Wealthy Affiliate University and start learning from the FREE* Online Entrepreneur Certification course. She’ll be amazed at how easy it is to follow the lessons and doing the tutorials. By the fourth lessons, she is gonna have her first website up and running!

      I love to hear about her progress too. If you need a hand in anything, feel free to get in touch with me at Wealthy Affiliate University. All the best!

  6. Don

    Interesting post on how to make money online as a college student. I was in the same situation a few years ago as I badly needed a job to earn some extra money for besides my studies. If I have had known Wealthy Affiliate at that time I would already earn a full-time income online. I have started a few weeks ago and do it now as part-time job besides my current job and it is very easy to combine the full-time job and Wealthy Affiliate besides that.

    As college students do have limited investment possibilities a big point is the costs of Wealthy Affiliate. Is it free for college students?



    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Don, I guess we were in the same boat during our times as a college student. 🙂

      Thanks for sharing your own experience and creating values for young college students who wish to be an Online Entrepreneur. The new generation now is a lucky batch as the Internet Marketing industry has matured and good academy like Wealthy Affiliate University is around to help them.

      Yes, as a college student, you can use the FREE* starter membership to learn and build your first Online Business and it stays free forever. Note that students from some countries are not able to see the FREE* Starter Membership due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM and Fraud policy.


  7. Lee

    Hey, this is just what I needed to hear. As a student, the last thing I want to be doing is working till the early hours of the morning in a bar the same as my friends.

    I’ve been saying that I want to start an online business, but everyone just seems to laugh when I tell them. i will do it though, it’s just about finding the real way to start one and avoid the scams, I’ll definitley be taking a look at Wealthy Affiliate and see what it’s all about.

  8. Benjamin

    Hi, Edmund…

    Great post by the way! Very convincing argument that is hard to resist, I’ve heard of this Online Certification Course before!

    Now that I have seen your article I really want to thank you because I’m going to sign up after I type this comment.

    Thank you, Ed.

    I hope your opportunity can change my life!


  9. Tim

    Hi Edmund,

    Interesting article. I am a college student and can relate to the importance of time and money management as you pointed out. It’s always handy to make some extra cash, but personally my motivation is to make a full-time income online.

    I also know there are a ton of scams online and I’ve experienced them first hand. I like the idea of Wealthy Affiliate since it is based on real education in Internet marketing. Thanks for posting this was very informative. Tim

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Tim! You are most welcome!

      You have a great goal, Tim! The motivation to make a full-time income online should keep you moving forward despite any blockages that come along the way.

      Making money Online is not an overnight event and I am sure your experience with scams will guide you towards the right path.

      Yup! Wealthy Affiliate is an Open Education Project. This means that all the experts around the world gathers there to share their knowledge and experience. Definitely a great place to learn about Internet Marketing!

      Wishing the best, Tim!

  10. Richard

    Thanks for the insight Edmund.

    If you don’t mind me asking…

    How many sites have you made following Wealthy Affiliate?

    Have you tried earning from Amazon?

    I’ve built a few sites myself and one of my problems has been spreading myself too thin.

    Do you think one big site beats many small ones?

    Sorry for picking your brains…



    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Richard, thanks for your questions.

      I am currently only focusing on this website you are looking at now and certainly I do recommend books or other materials from Amazon that is related to my articles or niche. I am able to focus on one website now due to my time commitment in other parts of my life.

      This leads to your third question and I am going to ask you back a question.

      How much time do you have every day for your Online Business Websites? If you think the problem is spreading yourself too thin, you really have to decide which websites are the one you can focus on. Time management is an important aspect as mentioned in my article.

      Hope this helps! 🙂

      Wishing you Success!

  11. Lee Zhi Wei

    Hi, Edmund!

    It has always been a problem for college students to fund their studies & the inevitable student loan at the end of your schooling period. Many tend to work part-time after school hours to barely scrape through college.

    Myself, I have stumbled upon Wealthy Affiliate & it has certainly changed my life. Turning my passion into income & at the same time building a substantial network, why not?

    Thanks for sharing this article.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Zhi Wei! Thanks for your comment!

      I am really glad that you have found Wealthy Affiliate and it has changed your life! You are a great testimony to this University that teaches anyone from all walks of life how to start an Online Business. I am really proud of you!

      Keep up the good work and keep moving forward. I am sure you’ll see your Success real soon!

      Wishing you the best!


    Hi, Edmund.

    Wealthy Affiliate is really the best venture to make money while schooling. Long ago I started online business trying to create a website but because of the know how I couldn’t. So with the help of their training, I think it will help me a lot.

    But do they have any investment system where you can become their partner and also make a living through that or you need to build another Facebook to be the next Zuck.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Roland.

      Yes, Wealthy Affiliate will definitely teach you the know-how of how to start an Online Business. If you are able to put in your effort to follow and implement what was taught in the training, you are definitely on your way to make your first Online income.

      Wealthy Affiliate does not offer any investment system. Instead, it has its own Affiliate Boot Camp where you can earn a commission promoting Wealthy Affiliate. I would say, there is not gonna to be another Facebook, but you could be what you want to be, following your dreams and goals just like Zuck did.

      Wishing you the best!

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