Traffic Ad Pays Review – Will you get your Traffic?!?

Traffic Ad Pays Review – Will you get your Traffic?!?

Traffic Ad Pays Review – Will you get your Traffic?!?

Traffic Ad Pays Review – Is Traffic Ad Pays scam or legit? What is Traffic Ad Pays and how does it work? Read this Traffic Ad Pays review.

Traffic Ad Pays Review


Products: Paid Traffic Source

Price: Free to Register, AdPacks from $1.00 to $49.99!

Owner: Kevin Carver and Jansen Smith

Suitable for: Online Marketers who like to test traffic sources.

Overview: Traffic Ad Pays is another paid traffic service similar to Traffic Monsoon which was launched in Sept 2015.

You have to buy AdPacks for a specific number of social credits/business directory credits you want. Ads Packs will give you the opportunity to share in Traffic Ad Pays’s revenue.

Its website has a lot of bugs, strange that they did not resolve them since the website is launched for almost a year already.

Traffic Ad Pays Review – How does it work?

Traffic Ad Pays is a Paid Traffic Platform with Revenue Share newly launched Sep 2015.

In recent years, there are many such platform booming following the success of Traffic Monsoon which has been very matured in this niche.

For example, AdsPayPro is another one which was launched in Jan 2016.

Traffic Ad Pays works in this way,

  1. You purchase AdPacks with the specific number of advertising credits you want.
  2. You place your Ads in the system.
  3. Traffic Ad Pays will show your ads in their 3 party advertising websites which they have subscribed to.

You could also earn some money in the process of placing your ads,

  1. You have to purchase a an AdPack.
  2. Each AdPack allows you a potential of 110% return.
  3. You have to view 10 websites daily to qualify for your revenue share.

Another way of earn money at TrafficAdsPays is by referring new members to the system.

  1. Tier 1 = 9.5% commissions. This means a sponsor will receive 9.5% commissions on any AdPack purchases from direct referrals.
  2. Tier 2 = 2.0% commissions. This means a sponsor will receive 2.% commissions on any AdPack purchases from their direct referrals’ referrals

It seems simple enough and quite appealing for me at the first glance.

However, as I explore further, my perception with TrafficAdsPays was that it has lots to improve and I do not really trust this site.

Let me share with you more in a while.


Traffic Ad Pays Review – How much does the AdsPack cost?

Let take a look at the different types of AdsPack and it’s cost.

Traffic Ad Pays Review - Adpack 1

$1 AdPack gives you,

  • 10 Social Credits
  • Hourly Cashbacks
  • 100 Business Directory Credits
  • Much More.

Traffic Ad Pays Review - Adpack 2

$5 AdPack gives you,

  • 80 Social Credits
  • Hourly Cashbacks
  • 250 Business Directory Credits
  • Much More.

Traffic Ad Pays Review - Adpack 3

$10 AdPack gives you,

  • 160 Social Credits
  • Hourly Cashbacks
  • 800 Business Directory Credits
  • Much More.

Traffic Ad Pays Review - Adpack 4

$49.99 AdPack gives you,

  • 400 Social Credits
  • Hourly Cashbacks
  • 2500 Business Directory Credits
  • Much More.

All the above AdPacks will give you a potential return of 110% of its value. When it has reached 110% of its value, the AdPack will expire.

E.g. A $10 AdPack you paid will return you $11 from the revenue share and it expires.

In actual sense, you have  just earned $1 for your $10 Adpack.

You might start to think, “Hey! This is a good investment for a potential return of 10%!”.

What if you buy 100 x $10 AdPacks? You could potentially earn $100 (profit) + $1000 (your initial investment)!

Well, can you treat Traffic Ad Pays as an investment?

Let’s find out.


Traffic Ad Pays Review – Not an Investment.

Let’s hear what Traffic Ad Pays says about Investment at its FAQ Page.

Q: Are We an Investment?

A: No! We don’t use any funds from the members to invest. Members solely receive shared revenue that comes in from the sales of advertising packages. Our top priority is providing a rewarding lead generating advertising experience for our members at an affordable cost, as a bonus, all members with active adpacks receive earnings every hour. Earnings are not guaranteed, and you shouldn’t base your income on TrafficAdPays.

(Note: Earnings are not guaranteed, and you shouldn’t base your income on Traffic Ad Pays.)

How about its Earning Disclaimer?

“All revenue that comes into the program, stays in the program. We will never use any member’s funds to INVEST! Earnings on your advertising packages, only comes from revenue from other advertising packages purchased. Please be advised that we may add some outside revenue such as revenue from surf free plans, premium advertising, and third party advertising services to be shared in the earnings of our members.

Each AdPack has the potential to receive up to 110% return. As noted above we do not guarantee this. “

You should be clear by now that Traffic Ad Pays is not an Investment.


Traffic Ad Pays Review – Terms and Disclaimers

Please, you’ve got to read them. Do not take all things as it is for granted.

It the same as you are putting your money to buy a property, you must read the terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions
Earning Disclaimers


Traffic Ad Pays Review – My Personal Take

Although Traffic Ad Pays is very appealing to me at first, however, I have some concerns after exploring the website.

#1 Lots of Bugs

I find that the website’s theme and design were was quite eye-friendly and easy to explore around.

However, I also found quite a number of obvious bugs.

I do not understand why the Traffic Ad Pays website team did not try to resolve them since it was already launched for almost a year!

(Note that these bugs existed as of July 2016 when I am writing this review.)

Bug No.1

Traffic Ad Pays Review - bug 1

The [DETAILS] tab in the menu is a dummy. It doesn’t respond when you clicked it.

Bug No.2

When I clicked on the [DIRECTORY] tab in the above menu. I got to this page.

Traffic Ad Pays Review - bug 2

Nothing was listed under Business Directory.

When I clicked on the “Available on Android Play Store“, guess where it leads me to?

Traffic Ad Pays Review - bug 2.1


Common! Is this a joke?

Bug No.3

When I clicked on the [PAYOUTS] tab in the menu above.

Traffic Ad Pays Review - bug 3

I received “This page is disabled by administrator” error message.

Bug No.4

Under DashBoard, there is a payment section.

Traffic Ad Pays Review - bug 4

When I clicked on any of the 3 tabs, it leads me to a blank page with the following,

Traffic Ad Pays Review - bug 4.1

These are just a few of the many bugs I have encountered.

#2 Confusing UpSell

At the members login area, there are upsell right at the top of the page which was not explained clearly.

Traffic Ad Pays Review - Upsell

What are the benefits and how do they work?

It was not explained.

#3 View website for 5 sec only.

For each website you view, you have to view for 5secs before you can go back and click on the next website.

I can simply switch my browser tab and do other stuff and come back again to click for the next website.

No need to stay on the website at all. (Wasted impression count for members paying for it.)

Leadsleap, another outstanding traffic and revenue share program does not allow this.

#4 Website does not appear

Some websites did not appear even after the 5 secs countdown is up.

This is a common problem faced by other Paid Traffic and Revenue sharing site too.

Personally, I feel that 5 secs viewing window are too short!

#5 Traffic source

Other than the traffic source from Traffic Ad Pays members, the other 3rd party traffic sources were not clearly mentioned by Traffic Ad Pays.

“Your advertisements on TrafficAdPays are seen by members and visitors. We take pride in offering a quality advertising service. We have subscriptions for third party advertising websites, that will bring new visitors daily to TrafficAdPays.

Please note, not all ads, will be successful on the website. Make sure to do your research, and see which brand of ads are working, and which ones are not. Doing your research and making an ad on TrafficAdPays, that attracts members, will be very successful with TAPS!”

Yup, I agree with what they say.

Does the traffic source’s demographic matches your niche? You definitely need to use the free account to test your traffic first.

So you see, there are still plenty of things that need to be ironed out at Traffic Ad Pays.


Traffic Ad Pays Review – Another Targeted Traffic Alternative

I started my Affiliate Marketing business in 2014 and learned how to generate traffics (free or paid) to my website from Wealthy Affiliate.

It is where I learned how to build a Successful Online Affiliate Marketing Business right from the fundamentals.

TrafficAdPays Review - Wealthy Affiliate University

The best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that I could start learning how to build my Online Business Passive Income with ZERO prior knowledge on Affiliate Marketing and how to generate traffics.

Wealthy Affiliate will train you how to generate targeted traffics to your own specific niche.

Not only that it comes with complete Keyword tools and Website building and hosting suite, Wealthy Affiliate comes with live support and helps from the owners and the community.

You can even test-drive it first with FREE* Starter Membership in the next few minutes!

I have written a comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate Review and perhaps you can find out more from there.


Traffic Ad Pays Review – Final Verdict

Traffic Ad Pays
Intermark Services NZ Limited
Overall Rating: 

I rated Traffic Ad Pays 2.0 stars because I think it started out with good intention to help marketers with traffic.

The team behind Traffic Ad Pays has done enough to give warning to people looking at AdPacks as an investment. I am glad that they are candid and lay out strict rules for members using this platform.

However, it still has many bugs to iron out to make the system a more reliable one. As a member, I do not have 100% trust in this system yet and it can be a turn-off when someone new like me faces so many issues when using it.

Remember? Even the [PAYOUTS] links at the menu won’t work!

Moreover, the demographics of the traffics were not mentioned clearly on its website, so it may not work for all different kind of niches.

Personally, to achieve a niche targeted traffic with targeted audience, I learned from Wealthy Affiliate.

Nevertheless, if you are still keen to test out Traffic Ad Pays, you can create a free account here.

Wishing you the best!

TrafficAdPays Review - Edmund





*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.

2 thoughts on “Traffic Ad Pays Review – Will you get your Traffic?!?

  1. Kim

    Hi, Edmund.

    After reading your review on TrafficAdPays, I think the company is not committed to creating a good user experience for its members. They should employ testers to test their site thoroughly. The link to Google Play Store – Tic Tac Toe is really funny. 🙂

    I would not risk my bet with TrafficAdPays too. Another great review!

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Kim.

      I agree with you. If a company is serious about its business, it won’t put out a shady and buggy website. It becomes a pain to use TrafficAdPays after exploring around for a while.

      Wishing you the best!

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