WhenYouHost Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

WhenYouHost Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

WhenYouHost Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

WhenYouHost Review – What is WhenYouHost? Is WhenYouHost scam or legitimate? These are the plan offered at WhenYouHost. Let us look at whether we should invest in any of them…

WhenYouHost Review

Website: Whenyouhost.com

Product: Hosting Service, MLM

Price: Gold SGD80/yr Platinum SGD100/yr  Unlimited SGD250/lifetime  Priority+ SGD799/lifetime

Owner: Unknown

Suitable for: None!

Overview: “WhenYouHost” promotes Integrated Share Hosting and entices visitors to become a sponsor by joining the Priority+ plan. It is basically an MLM company claiming “hosting” as its product.

WhenYouHost Review – The Fishy Sponsor

When you search for make money online opportunity using Google, high chance that you will chance upon RichestSG in Singapore as it was rank on the first page of the search result.

If you are moved by the story as I mention in my RichestSG Review, you will click on the sponsor link and land on the WhenYouHost Webpage.

You will be offered 4 choices straight away as you see from the above screenshot.

Should you invest in any one of them?


WhenYouHost Review – What is “WhenYouHost” all about?

WhenYouHost is basically about Shared Integrated Hosting.

But, what is Shared Integrated Hosting? Let’s take a look at the definition at WhenYouHost.com.

Shared Integrated Hosting

Shared Integrated Hosting refers to hosting on a similar domain as the parent site. Your website will be www.servercapital.com/SITENAME and you will be entitled with a FTP account with the designated disk space for you to upload/download your files.

Actually, from an experienced marketer point of view, this is just a Page of the servercapital domain that they are giving you!

If you do not understand what is a page, take a look at the URL of my About Me Page.

Did you see some similarity?


WhenYouHost Review – Make Money Online.

In this case, how does one make money with WhenYouHost?

Well, you have to join WhenYouHost MLM business. Let’s look at the compensation plan.

WhenYouHost - MLM


WhenYouHost Review – My Personal Take.

This is what I think after researching on this WhenYouHost Website.

#1 Wrong Focus

They put up the estimated earnings of the 4 plans so big that at one glance the Priority + plan will catch your eye. Yup, the highest earning of more than SGD2k bi-weekly. Then the cost and specification in a smaller font beneath.

The first sign of scam here as their focus is to sell you the idea of making money through its plan instead telling you what service they can offer you through each plan.

#2 CASH OFF mean nothing

Screenshot 2014-11-28 20.59.40

As you click through the pages, they entice you to get the highest value plan by offering cash off.

The instant SGD1000 cash off the priority plan simply means that they are giving SGD1000 discount off their original price of SGD1799! So CASH OFF actually is nothing here, their intended original price is $799 actually. They just inflate the amount by SGD1000.

#3 Never ending offer

The website is offering 1-year free hosting when you sign up for the Platinum Plan.

WhenYouHost Offer -1

Their free 1-year hosting and instant cash off offer is forever never ending. When I visit the website at different days for research purpose, the offer is still there.

#4 Pay for something you do not own

In every successful online business, you can find, each of them has their own domain name.

Such as,

  • DELL SG – www.dell.com.sg
  • AMAZON – www.amazon.com

And if you go to their website and browse into one of their pages,

  • DELL SG  support page – http://www.dell.com/support/
  • AMAZON bargain books page – http://www.amazon.com/Bargain-Books

A little fishy here isn’t it? One big question in my mind is that, are they basically giving you a PAGE for you to upload your “website”? I am not technical expert enough to tell you how they are allowing you to do that with your account if you buy into one of their plans.

But what I can say is that if you are looking to build an online business, you have to buy and own a domain! You have to build a brand from your domain name so your customer will visit you.

I do not believe in such thing as shared integrated hosting. I would not pay a single cent for a “www-servercapital-com” domain with a “/Mysite” which I do not own.

#5 MLM Scam

I am very skeptical when they offer commission program for the web hosting plans. I am certain that they are encouraging people to sign up the priority plus plan to earn multi-level of commissions just by looking at the table below.

Wait, hang on, you sign the plan to host a Website? Or you sign the plan to ask your family and friends to sign the plan too so that you can make money? Think about it.

Do you want to lose your friends? Do you want to make this kind of money from your family? There is no value to this hosting at all! So it is basically an MLM scam.

#6 Website is not active

The WhenYouHost.com website looks outdated and not maintained regularly. This is the Website copyright statement. Look at the year range of copyright.

WhenYouHost Review - Copy right

I did a little research and there have been reviews to ask people to avoid this website and many people claimed that they have been scammed.

I do hope people can see this review and avoid getting scammed too.


OnlineWealthSG Review – Another Make Money Online Alternative

I started my Affiliate Marketing business in 2014 and learned how to build my first website from Wealthy Affiliate.

It is where I learned how to build a Successful Online Affiliate Marketing Business right from the fundamentals.

WhenYouHost Review - Wealthy Affiliate University

The best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that I could start learning how to build my Online Business Passive Income with ZERO prior knowledge on Affiliate Marketing and how to generate traffics.

Not only that it comes with complete Keyword tools and Website building and hosting suite, Wealthy Affiliate comes with live support and helps from the owners and the community.

You can even test-drive it first with FREE* Starter Membership in the next few minutes!

I have written a comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate Review and perhaps you can find out more from there.


Final Verdict

Overall Rating: 0.0 / 5.0

Do not waste your money on this site. It a total Scam! Save your money and use free web hosting service to build your online business.

Wishing you the best!

WhenYouHost Review - Edmund





*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.

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