100k Factory Revolution Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

100k Factory Revolution Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

100k Factory Revolution Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

100k Factory Revolution Review – What is 100k Factory Revolution and how does it work? Can you make money with 100k Factory Revolution? Legit or Scam? Read this review now!

100k Factory Revolution Review

Website: 100kfactory.com (Program is closed currently.)

Products: E-commerce Marketing Training

Price: $2497 (Currently Closed)

Owner: Aidan Booth & Steven Clayton

Suitable for: People who want to start an E-commerce business.

Overview: 100k Factory Revolution is an E-commerce Marketing Training that teaches you how to build E-commerce websites and generate traffic from various forms of Social Media and Online advertising platform.

100k Factory Revolution Review – What is it all about?


100K Factory Revolution Review - Closed Doors

Hi, there. Edmund here. 🙂

Yup, If you are like me, looking to find out more about the 100k Factory Revolution, we are too late. The registration is closed.

Nevertheless, there are still many 100K Factory Revolution affiliate marketers out there promoting this product. So we can get a glimpse of what 100k Factory Revolution is all about.

100k Factory Revolution Review – The 7 steps.

I came across a very comprehensive review by Hanif at Warrior Forum. He is an affiliate marketer for 100k Factory Revolution. He has explained the 7 step process in great details, which is what 100k Factory Revolution is all about.

I like Hanif’s review very much as he is honest and down to earth. He, in fact, tell you the truth and the whole truth about setting up an e-commerce store, based on his personal experience.

I will summerise the 7 step process here.

Step 1: Hand Pick a Product
  • The training recommends selling a “Social Media Friendly” product.
  • Start with a product that is below $20 value.
  • 100K Factory Revolution provides a database of 1000+ pre-researched products to help you get started.
Step 2: Install Your Store
  • One Click store setup using Command Center.
  • The store is optimized with a pre-installed theme and product population.
Step 3: Identify Your Buyers
  • Brainstorm for your target audience and their interest.
  • 6 Niche Factors to consider in the brainstorming process.
Step 4: Initiate Traffic Machine
  • Start launching $3/day campaigns on social media.
  • Monitor conversion results using Vulcan Software within the 100k Revolution System.
  • Able to use the pre-research products and their specific targeting strategy provided.
Step 5: Optimize Conversions
  • Determine the winning product that converts well.
  • 100K Revolution provides a framework to guide the scaling of your winning product campaigns.
Step 6: Launch Your Super Funnel
  • Create your funnel email opt-in page.
  • Use 100k Revolution software to create your pre-optimized opt-in page.
Step 7: Rinse and Repeat
  • Repeat Step 1 – 6 for another product.

100k Factory Revolution Review – My Personal Take

After reading the comprehensive review written by Hanif, and several others by other affiliate marketers.

However, I have some personal thought as follow.

#1 High Start Up Cost

It could be very difficult for someone who wants to learn about online e-commerce to fork out about $2500 upfront.

Just like myself, a few years ago when I started to figure out what is affiliate marketing. I could not afford to pay such a high amount in the thousands to some companies. I mainly relied on the free courses I can find Online to get started.

Nevertheless, 100k Factory Revolution provides legitimate training with the tools and support.

If you can afford and are going to treat it as a tuition fee just like you are paying for a college, perhaps you could see this as an investment for your knowledge and potential returns in your e-commerce store in the future.

#2 You need a Budget

Besides paying thousands for the training upfront, you are going to spend $100s or even $1000s running your social media campaigns. It is highly possible that your campaigns will not be successful in the first few weeks and you may not make money from your store.

Therefore, you must set aside some budget for trial and error campaigns to find the winning product.

#3 Not a Get Rich Quick method.

Starting an E-commerce store is not an easy feat. You will need to put in a lot of commitment and grit. You must willing to make mistakes and learn from there.

As Hanif mentioned in his review,

“Scaling a winner into a six-figure campaign can actually take WEEKS, if not MONTHS, and any ‘success stories’ you’ve seen in 100K Factory of students doing it fast are RARE.”

#4 Too many similar product lines.

As I was exploring the 100k Factory Revolution, I was a little confused as there were 100k Factory Original, 100K Factory Revolution and 100K Factory Ultra Edition product lines.

Which should I join? What are the main differences and their cost? There is no information on the difference on the 100k Factory home page.

This could be confusing for someone new.

100k Factory Revolution Review – Make Money Online Alternative

I started my Affiliate Marketing business in 2014 and never looked back since.

Wealthy Affiliate is where I learned how to build a Successful Online Affiliate Marketing Business right from the fundamentals.

100k Factory Revolution Review - Wealthy Affiliate University

The best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that I could start learning how to build my Online Business Passive Income with ZERO prior knowledge on Affiliate Marketing.

Not only that it comes with complete tools and Website building and hosting suite, Wealthy Affiliate comes with live support and help from the owners and the community.

It’s also an all-in-one platform with a fixed monthly fee, and you do not have to worry about other operating costs.

You can even test-drive it first with FREE* Starter Membership in the next few minutes!

I have written a comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate Review and perhaps you can find out more from there.

100k Factory Revolution Review – Final Verdict

100k Factory Revolution
Owner: Aidan Booth & Steven Clayton
Overall Rating:

I rate 100k Factory Revolution 4.0 stars because I think you can really start an E-commerce store Online if you implement the teachings in the training closely.

I am not an affiliate marketer for 100k Factory Revolution. If you are comfortable to pay the upfront fee of $2500. I recommend you to go to Hanif’s website and sign up with him as he has ample experience in E-commerce.

Furthermore, he gives amazing bonuses to his signees!

Wishing you the best!

100k Factory Revolution Review - Edmund





*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.

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