5 Figure Day Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

5 Figure Day Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

5 Figure Day Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

5 Figure Day Review – What is 5 Figure Day and is it a scam? Can you make money with 5 Figure Day? Read this 5 Figure Day review.

5 Figure Day Review

Website: www.5figureday.com

Products: Leads and Commission Building (cookie cutter site)

Price: $1 for 30 days trial, $97/mth thereafter, $97 one time offer (Elite)

Owner: Bryan Winters

Suitable for: Avoid if possible.

Overview: 5 Figure Day is a cookie cutter site program where Bryan Winters gives you a Landing/Squeeze Page site cloaked with your affiliate links.

Then he teaches you how to use free advertising and how to spend money to experiment with paid advertising to promote your own Landing/Squeeze Page.

5 Figure Day Review – Watch the video first.

Let’s take a quick look at 5 Figure Day Review squeeze video by Bryan Winters.

You are not able to fast forward the video at the landing page.

Yeah, I am impatient to sit through the long winding video (almost 30 minutes!) too but let’s view the video from Vimeo directly!

Take a quick glance at the video and stay through the first few minutes where he talks about his divorce.

5 figure day review - squuze video

(Note: If you can’t view the video at Vimeo, it would probably mean Bryan has taken down the video or 5 Figure Day is already obsolete.)


5 Figure Day Review – Bryan Winters

From the video, we understand that Bryan had been through a rough patch in his life when he got divorced.

His life starts to fall apart until he found a way to make tons of money Online. His life bounced back with a vengeance and he purchased a big house and a fast car to make up the parts he had lost.

As much as I sympathize with Bryan, I dislike the way he made you think that all was so easy and auto-pilot.

You never knew how much hard work he had put into building his Online Business, the commitment, the desire to bounce back and the grit to persist on.

All these are ingredients required for Success!

Ask yourself, do you have them all?


5 Figure Day Review – How does it work?

5 Figure Day is basically a cookie cutter site program.

  1. Brian creates a standard landing/squeeze page.
  2. He sells you the landing/squeeze page.
  3. He teaches you how to add your own affiliate links.
  4. He teaches you how to promote your own customized landing/squeeze page.
  5. You are on your own after that where you will experiment with the various form of advertising (free or paid) to bring traffic to your own customized landing/squeeze page.

Most people will give up at Step 5 because bringing traffic to your landing/squeeze page is the hardest part of the whole Affiliate Marketing business.

No Traffic = No Money.

Simple as that.

There is no limit on how much you would spend on advertising because you need to test and trial advertising campaigns to find out the best one for you.

There are many kinds of this programs in the Online World to lure lazy people into believing that most of the work have already done for them and it is on auto-pilot.

But, most did not understand that they have to put in their hard work at the initial stage too! Auto-pilot may only kick in after hours and hours of commitment and effort!


5 Figure Day Review – Elite Pack (One Time Offer)

Once you sign up with 5 Figure Day, you are presented with an Upsell called 5 Figure Day Elite.

Let’s skim through the upsell video to find out more.

5 Figure Day Review - Elite OTO


Hey, did you count how many times Bryan said Auto-pilot or automatic? 🙂

What will you get from this one-time-offer that cost $97?

  1. Automated 5 Figure Day Member Area Rebranding (MAR).
  2. Access to exclusive Reloaded Software.
  3. Email Follow Up Gold package that comes with bonus 30 additional traffic training E-mails.

A gentle reminder that all the above tools will be useless if you fail to generate traffics to your landing/squeeze page.

Take note that conversion rate plays a part too, even if you are able to get traffics

As there is a saying, “Some Will, Some Won’t and Some Waiting“.


5 Figure Day Review – Earning Disclaimer

Within the One Time Offer Video, Bryan is upfront that he can’t legally guarantee you’ll make a dime.

Which I agree too.

5 Figure Day Review - Disclaimer

Mose people are too excited about the make money part and ignore the Disclaimer even it is shown right in front of you.

Remember, there is never a Get Rich Quick Program that allows you to make money Online without any effort on your part.


5 Figure Day Review – My Personal Take

I feel that this is a system invented by Bryan to lure lazy people in thinking that they can make money online on autopilot or automatic.

However, you have to understand that Google will not rank cookie cutter site.

Imagine 1000s of people having the same site contents cloaked with individual’s affiliate links.

You have to put in a lot of effort in promoting your cookie cutter site using free media or paid advertising channels.

Be careful, there is literally no upper limit in advertisement fees.

I will not put my money in this system as I favor to creating a website of valuable contents for my readers through Affiliate Marketing.

To achieve my goal of Financial Freedom, I am all out for an alternative.


5 Figure Day Review – Make Money Online Alternative

I started my Affiliate Marketing business in 2014 and never looked back since.

Wealthy Affiliate is where I learned how to build a Successful Online Affiliate Marketing Business right from the fundamentals.

5 Figure Day Review - Wealthy Affiliate University

The best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that I could start learning how to build my Online Business Passive Income with ZERO prior knowledge on Affiliate Marketing.

Not only that it comes with complete tools and Website building and hosting suite, Wealthy Affiliate comes with live support and help from the owners and the community.

It’s also an all-in-one platform with a fixed monthly fee, and you do not have to worry about other operation costs.

You can even test-drive it first with FREE* Starter Membership in the next few minutes!

I have written a comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate Review and perhaps you can find out more from there.

5 Figure Day Review – Final Verdict

5 Figure Day
Bryan Winters
Overall Rating: 1.0/ 5.0

I rated 5 Figure Day 1.0 stars because at least Bryan is honest in his disclaimers.

Furthermore, 5 Figure Day is a ClickBank Product. Through ClickBank, there is a 60days money back guarantee.

If you wish to try out 5 Figure Day with the $1 trial, you can click the link.

Personally, to achieve a Passive Online Income, I prefer to start with an Affiliate Marketing Business.

Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to learn about Affiliate Marketing Business as a good alternative for learning how to build Passive Online Income.

My profile is edtay78. If you need a hand with anything, you can always contact me at Wealthy Affiliate.

Wishing you the best!

5 Figure Day Review - Edmund





*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.

8 thoughts on “5 Figure Day Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

  1. Chris

    Hi Edmund,

    Great article! – I’d heard of this product and wanted to research more about 5 Figure Day and found your website.

    I love the way creators of these types of programs decide to attempt to pull on your heartstrings to get some sort of sale out there. Poor Bryan was divorced…then he made millions…now I can too!

    A terribly old way of trying to rope in newbies to the earn online world!

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Chris, thanks for your comment.

      Yes indeed, there are many scams out there that work around the same tactics.

      Unfortunately, there are many think that everything is so simple as portrayed in the presentation.

      There is not such thing as getting rich quick product/program.

      Wishing you the best!

  2. Kim

    Hi Edmund!

    You have broken down the gist of 5 figure day very well. I guess this is another product that taps on people’s greed and laziness. I agree with you, he used “Autopilot” excessively. 🙂

    Excellent review!

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Kim! Thanks for your comment!

      You are absolutely spot on. There is no Get Rich Quick scheme anywhere in the Online World. Hard Work, Passion and Commitments are keys to being Successful anywhere you go.

      Wishing you the best!

  3. Christopher Jordan

    Hi, Edmund.
    I was aware and now in a precise way even I can also just go on guiding people by making people aware and sending your link to many others who seriously wish to have a lot of options. The best can be selected. Thanks!

  4. Jerry Huang

    Thanks for this awesome review Edmund! I agree with you that they are just providing you with their landing pages with your affiliate links. But they claim that you’ll be getting your own free fully hosted website which is total BS!

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