The Email Syndicate Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

The Email Syndicate Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

The Email Syndicate Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

The Email Syndicate Review – What is The Email Syndicate and how does it work? Can you make money with The Email Syndicate? Read this research review.

The Email Syndicate Review


Products: GVO Autoresponder, Click Force Traffic, The Click Agency, ClixSense

Price: Free?

Owner: Allen

Suitable for: None

Overview: The Email Syndicate is a system that requires you to log in every day and send an email to the list provided by The Email Syndicate. The email will contain your affiliate link and when the person who opens your email and clicked on the link, you earn $0.20. That Simple? Not really!

The Email Syndicate Review – Watch the video first.

Let’s take a quick look at The Email Syndicate’s squeeze video from YouTube by Allen.

The Email Syndicate Review – How does it work?

Now, the above video is too brief to tell you about The Email Syndicate system, it merely wants to attract your attention and curiosity by telling you bold claims that you can make money fast and quick!

Yes, Allen is giving you the system free.

But, the system is just a dead skeleton without all the other products plugging into it.

You see, Allen designed this system to work with other 3rd party products he is affiliated to.

Once you signed up the free membership and login into the members area, you are shown a dashboard with 5 steps to take.

The Email Syndicate Review - 4 Steps


These 5 steps will slowly guide you to sign up his affiliate products to “plug-in” with The Email Syndicate System so that it will “work” for you.

Let me share with you what you’ll need to do for each step.

Step 1 is just some introduction and pre-sell pitches.

I’ll start with Step 2 straight.

The Email Syndicate Review – Step 2

For Step 2, you are required to sign up a GVO Autoresponder for $1. Bare in mind that $1 is for a trial for 7 days. If you wish to continue after the trial it’ll cost you $21.97/month as seen in the video.

Let’s take a quick look at the setup video.

After you set up your GVO Autoresponder account, you are required to sign up with Click Force Traffic. It is free to sign up.

“Click Force Traffic is a private network that features Cost Per Click offers. No more wondering if an offer will convert or if there will be refunds, or lost commissions. We pay you direct for your quality clicks. You sign up and get your link. We then qualify your traffic and set a CPC for your clicks. You then send emails to your list with your link and we pay you direct for the clicks you generate. We only pay for qualified Email traffic. No other traffic sources are allowed.” –

Let’s take a quick look at the setup video.

So now the system is “linked-up”, you proceed to Step 4 to start sending your e-mails.


The Email Syndicate Review – Step 4

Yes, it is confusing jumping around. Allen should order the steps in sequence!

In this step, all you need to do is as follow:

Step 1 – To send your email, simply scroll the page and choose one of the already Pre-Written and tested emails by clicking the SELECT THIS EMAIL button.

Step 2 – Then enter a From Name for the email (your first name only is fine.)

Step 3 – Then click the Send Button and you are done for the day.

So what happens after you clicked the “Send Button”?

First, your email will be cloaked with all your Click Force Traffic affiliate ID.

After which, The Email Syndicate System will send the email to its email list via GVO Autoresponder.

Once the subscribers clicked on the link, you earn a commission $0.20 from Click Force Traffic. (Provided the click qualifies Click Force Traffic’s Terms)

Understand better now? 🙂

Hey wait, you could even double, triple or quadruple your earnings every day! “Amazing!”

The Email Syndicate Review - Double Earnings

The Email Syndicate Review – Step 3

Now to back to Step 3.

Step 3 is purely asking you to upgrade your account so that 1000 subscribers from The Email Syndicate’s email list will be added to your account every week.

The free account will entitle you 5000 subscribers(Max) from The Email Syndicate’s email list, starting from 500 subscribers added to your account each week.

The Email Syndicate Review - Upgrade

How much you ask?

Whooping $77/mth!

Oh! Now I know why Allen put this as Step 3.


The Email Syndicate Review – Step 5

Step 5 for anyone who wants to be an Affiliate of The Email Syndicate.

You’ll be enticed to purchase PPC Clicks from The Click Agency or from ClixSense to build your referrals.

Yes, another 3rd-party product that Allen is affiliated to.

The Email Syndicate Review - Buy Clicks 1

The Email Syndicate Review - Buy Clicks 2

So, how much again you ask?

The Email Syndicate Review - Buy Clicks 3

Alternatively, Allen recommends ClixSense. (Click on the link for details, I shall not elaborate it here)

So, how has the FREE system claimed requires up to $1000s of dollars to make money now?

After all the money dumped in, can you still make money?


The Email Syndicate Review – Earning Disclaimer

This is the small prints where many people overlooked.

They get too excited about making money and forgot to do their due diligence to read up all the small prints.

Here are some excerpts of the Earning Disclaimer:

  • Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and it’s potential. Even though this industry is one of the few where one can write their own check in terms of earnings, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials.
  • We do not purport this as a “get rich scheme.” Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions.

So you’ve got nothing to say if you fail to make money, The Email Syndicate has got themselves covered.

P.S. Read the Terms and Conditions here too.


The Email Syndicate Review – My Personal Take

I feel that this is a system invented by Allen to lure lazy people in thinking that they can make money online just by selecting an email and a click of a button every day.

However, I have some concerns as follow:

#1 How can The Email Syndicate churn out 1000s of subscribers every day?

Any experienced Internet Marketer will tell you building a list WILL need time, but not in the 1000s every day!

#2 What if the clicks are not quality as required by Click Force Traffic?

I am afraid that your daily email is sent to bogus subscribers and their clicks are not counted.

#3 Are you spamming others?

Imagine, if 1000 people that subscribed to this system were given the same email list. If you are one of the subscribers to the list, good luck to your Inbox!

Personally, I will not put my money into this system.

To achieve my goal of Financial Freedom, I am all out for an alternative.


The Email Syndicate Review – Make Money Online Alternative

I started my Affiliate Marketing business in 2014 and never looked back since.

Wealthy Affiliate is where I learned how to build a Successful Online Affiliate Marketing Business right from the fundamentals.

The Email Syndicate Review - Wealthy Affiliate University

The best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that I could start learning how to build my Online Business Passive Income with ZERO prior knowledge on Affiliate Marketing.

Not only that it comes with complete tools and Website building and hosting suite, Wealthy Affiliate comes with live support and help from the owners and the community.

It’s also an all-in-one platform with a fixed monthly fee, and you do not have to worry about other operation costs.

You can even test-drive it first with FREE* Starter Membership in the next few minutes!

I have written a comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate Review and perhaps you can find out more from there.


The Email Syndicate Review – Final Verdict

The Email Syndicate
Overall Rating: 1.0/ 5.0

I rated The Email Syndicate 1.0 stars because at least it gives you a 60 days money back guarantee through ClickBetter’s payment system.

Furthermore, through ClickBetter, your credit card will not be charged for the first 5 days.

“When you purchase The Email Syndicate though our site, the payment will not be charged to your credit card for 5 days. This allows you up to 5 days to review the products or services you have purchased through ClickBetter before your credit card is actually charged.”  – ClickBetter

Note that the above money back guarantee may not apply to the 3rd-party products that Allen recommends.

Personally, to achieve a Passive Online Income, I prefer to start with an Affiliate Marketing Business.

Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to learn about Affiliate Marketing Business as a good alternative for learning how to build Passive Online Income.

My profile is edtay78. If you need a hand with anything, you can always contact me at Wealthy Affiliate.

Wishing you the best!

The Email Syndicate Review - Edmund





*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.

44 thoughts on “The Email Syndicate Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

  1. Sheryl McCanna

    Email Syndicate is terrible . I can’t get access to step 5 links nor can I get any answers from them very poor customer service.

    They say they use ClickBetter, well ClickBetter has no record of me ordering anything. Has been a very bad experience. everyone wants to say it’s the other one fault.

    Now I have to find out how to get $s refunded because Email Syndicate has very little help. If you can offer any help it would be appreciated.


    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Brooke.

      If you follow the steps, in step 2 you’ll have to sign up with Click Force Traffic.
      You will be paid by Click Force Traffic if anyone from the email list clicked your Click Force Affiliate link. Email Syndicate merely sells you a system and its email list.

      If you want to sell The Email Syndicate as its affiliate. You’ll have to go through ClickBetter’s Affiliate System. ClickBetter will manage your commission and payments.

      Hope this helps and wishing you the best!

      1. jaymes hadden

        Well, I had the 450 thresholds and it went beyond it at the end of last month, so should have been paid on the 15th of this month. And surprise surprise it’s the 17th and still nothing.

        I mean if it was a couple bucks yea but 600, I want my money I’m owed you know. And they just do not, if there’s life depended on it, send an email back.

        Wondering if anyone has actually received a payment from them ???

        1. Edmund Post author

          Hi, Jaymes.

          Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I am sorry to hear about your predicament.
          I hope the Email Syndicate support will reply to you soon.

          Let us know if you did received the money.

          All the best!

  2. Harry

    I have gone beyond the $450 threshold so I emailed them to find out where to see my account balance and how to withdraw my earnings. Three emails to the support and never received a response on any of them.

    I keep receiving emails that my monthly renewal failed even though my bank account shows they have debited my monthly payment.

    Then I just found out that my mailing list shows “EMPTY”… but my bank account shows $9+ by GVO. I am convinced The Email Syndicate is a SCAM!!! Stay away from this scammers.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Harry.
      I am sorry to hear that you are having the same problem as Jaymes from the earlier comment. Thanks for sharing with us your personal experience here.

      Now, we are definitely aware that The Email Syndicate is fishy and best to avoid it.

  3. mel

    The email syndicate is a SCAM, here’s my experience…when I signed up for it the commission threshold was $350, then it went up to $450, I finally reached the $450 threshold on the 15th of June when they were supposed to pay out, my commission on this date was $650. I’ve sent them at least 10 emails to email syndicate and click force traffic support and no one replied and still not received my commission.

    I’ve invested time and money in this so called business and I’ve been ripped off, I’m top it off I logged into click force traffic today 25 June 2016 to check my commission and the threshold for payment now is doubled to the tune of $1000, they should not be able to get away with misleading affiliates and ripping people off while stuffing their bank accounts with our hard earned money. the sad thing is theirs nothing we can do about it, no law to protect us.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Mel.

      The Email Syndicate is really dishonest by shifting the threshold level up so that no one is able to cash out. It is a lesson learned for everyone and we shall never fall into such trap! Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

  4. George Conwell

    It must be a scam as I signed up for the trial membership, never received emails to send out I cancelled the last day of the trial membership, but they still deducted a monthly fee of $49 which it should have been $29, but it should not have happened at all!!! I’ve sent several emails and still, no responses. Don’t do it!!! G.Conwell

    1. Edmund Post author

      I feel sorry to hear of your predicament. The Email Syndicate is despicable!
      Thanks for speaking up and sharing your experience with us, George.

  5. Luckie Goggins

    That is amazing work on due diligence. I really appreciate your hard work in getting the info bout The Email Syndicate out to everyone. Great job. The Emil Syndicate is BS based off it’s grand promises.

    Thank you again.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Luckie.

      You are most welcome and thank you for your compliment. I am really glad to help others avoid the rampant scams in the Online World.

      Wishing you the best!

  6. Arleen Paay

    Hi Edmund
    Thank you for the info.. I’m about to sign up but good thing I thought of checking out first if its a scam or not and found your post. Thank you so much.

  7. Linda d Tarver

    Hi, Edmund

    I am now a member of the email syndicate, I have been a member since the end of may but, my computer had been down for a while with a virus and I had to get that cleared off first and when I return everything had looked the same. I have just lately e-mail them and they did respond to my e-mail watch is a plus for them, but my commissions a going very slow but the account has more clicks. When I had a complaint I e-mail click better and the problem was dealt with, but now I am getting worried I also sign up for the My Inbox Pro so I don’t know what to do. Oh, I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate also.

    Linda Tarver

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Linda.

      Thanks for sharing your experience of the Email Syndicate with us.

      My advice to you is to avoid it and never sign up for any upsell offered to you. If you have done that, just let it go and treat it as a lesson learnt.
      From the comments you see here, many people are not getting paid.

      Focus on your Wealthy Affiliate Online business and I am definitely sure you’ll gain more by putting your effort into your own business.

      Wishing you the best!

  8. Jennifer

    Hi Edmund, I heard about it and am in email syndicate and didn’t realise most of you didn’t get paid commissions and I probably will cancel soon.

    I do have Wealthy Affiliate but I find it confusing. As I am hearing impaired and not able to follow well in voice videos with no captions.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Jennifer.

      Yes, I guess you probably should cancel and focus your effort elsewhere.

      The step by step training at Wealthy Affiliate is easy to follow and implement. However, I agree that Wealthy Affiliate’s training videos indeed should have captions or subtitles for more accessibility. Subtitles could be of different languages to cater for people who do not understand English too. Perhaps I will feedback to Kyle about this.

      Wishing you the best!

  9. Bernadette

    Thank you, I was going to sign up but something told me to check out if there were any report about them first, because they say sign up is free then when you do they ask for money.

    Why is it you have to pay a fee to work or make money? When I work out in the World, we didn’t have to pay to get hire, isn’t there anyone out there that’s honest anymore?

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Bernadette!

      You are most welcome. I am really glad that you have taken a step to research on The Email Syndicate before you sign up! You are really smart.

      I agree that out in the Company-Employee World, the company would pay you a salary to work and help them make money.

      On the other hand, if you want to venture into the Business-Self Employed World, you are going to be your own boss. There is a cost to start up any business whether Online of Offline.

      Thus, I would not mind to paying a fee for the best and honest platform such as Wealthy Affiliate to,

      1. Host my website at its highly reliable and secure servers.
      2. A Suite of Tools for Website management and Keyword research.
      3. Learn from the training created by Kyle, the owner of Wealthy Affiliate.
      4. Seek help from the experts within the community.
      5. 1-1 support from Kyle when I have issues or having doubts.

      Hope this helps answer your questions. 🙂

      Wishing you the best!

  10. Jax

    I have been a member and still no word from anyone. By reading these comments sounds like this is all bad. I want to keep the membership and see what happens but I don’t know now. I need an answer to see what is going on and to see if I will get paid for my work.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Jax.

      Thanks for sharing with us. I believe the answer might be hard to get judging from the experience of many people who have shared here. I would have stopped paying them to minimise my losses.

      Wishing you the best!

  11. Teddy Clark

    Hi, Edmund.
    I have been with the email syndicate since May 2016 and all the remarks that have been posted are the same on my end. I am almost to the 1000 dollar mark, can’t wait to see what happens to my commission when I reach the threshold. Thanks for all the information and have a great day.

  12. Harry

    I signed up Sept 19, 2016. I’m at $151.40 at ClickForceTraffic. I sent a support email to TheEmailSyndicate on 15 October 2016, asking why I can’t send emails to the list. They have not returned an answer to me.

    When a person sends an email it asks to choose which one then hit send, it will show the dates sent and shows its waiting approval after sending a new email out. I can choose an email and click the green send button, but it hasn’t shown the dates sent or showed the waiting approval for the past few days and my clicks or money amount has not changed.

    Which to me indicates the emails have not been sent out. So I’m paying for MyInboxPro, but not getting my emails sent. The threshold is at $1000 which is ridiculous considering it was at $350 or $450 a short time ago. My opinion is that this system is shady at best.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Harry.

      Yup, you can see that many people have had bad experiences with The Email Syndicate from the comments here.

      The threshold for payout keeps changing tells us that they might have issues paying out to its members. Red Alert sign! And I do hope that The Email Syndicate will answer your question soon.

      Thanks for sharing your experience with The Email Syndicate with us.

  13. Eva

    Hi Friends!
    This is certainly a scam. I have emailed them several times, but there are no answers so far! Suddenly my account was stopped, I could not send any emails. I sent a question to support, but got no answer. Bad customer support! Keep out of this business is my advice!

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Eva!

      Thanks for sharing your own experience at The Email Syndicate with us!

      Friends, you’ve heard Eva. Stay out of this business!

      Wishing you the best!

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Ameenah.

      Click Better is an Affiliate e-Products Marketplace and works just like Click Bank.

      You can purchase a wide range of e-Products at Click Better, similar to Click Bank. And you can become an affiliate to promote any e-Products at Click Better to earn a commission for every sale, just like you could do the same at the Click Bank too.

      Hope this clarifies and wishing you the best!

  14. Marie

    The email syndicate is nothing more than PWM, all the material is the same just a different name! SCAM IS WHAT IT IS! I became a member and when it was time to be paid my commissions I didn’t and still haven’t! Tried contacting them and got no response! Anyone that is willing to join me in a law suit against these useless online company’s please feel free to! The more people that speak up about being ripped off by such company’s the better!

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Marie.

      Thank you for your affirmation that The Email Syndicate is not paying its members.

      I would guess a lawsuit against this company is useless. In the worst case scenario, they just close down and then open another online company under yet another different sheep’s skin. Save the effort, time and money. Learn from this and move on.

      Wishing you the best!

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Frank.

      Thanks for sharing your experience with us! Yes, I hope someone closes The Email Syndicate too!

      I believe the owner of The Email Syndicate has already moved on to his new Website with new tricks to scam honest people. He just leaves this site online so that he could continue to trick unsuspecting people who just want to make money Online.

      Wishing you the best!

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