Honest ways to make money on the Internet – Top 10!

Honest ways to make money on the Internet – Top 10!

Honest ways to make money on the Internet – Top 10!

Top 10 honest ways to make money on the internet. Make money Online with your conscience in check. Read here!

Honest ways to make money on the Internet #1 – Offer a personal service.

A personal service can be anything that you are able to provide based on your skills or tools that you have.

A Financial Adviser can offer to give free advise Online, but making money from the commissions on the insurance/investment products he/she recommends.

A Car Owner can offer personal car rental service for events Online.

A Masseuse can offer personal home massage service Online.

The possibilities are limitless.

All you’ll need to learn is how to create a website and advertise your service.

Wealthy Affiliate provides a free* starter Online Entrepreneur Certification Program (Level 1) on how to create and advertise your online business website. I highly recommend you to use the free* websites provided.


Honest ways to make money on the Internet #2 – Write an e-Book and sell it online.

Write an e-book in any topics that you love and knowing that there is an audience for what you are writing.

Your e-book could be

  • helping others in solving their daily problems in life.
  • fiction stories.
  • teaching others how to do well in a particular sport.

Again limitless possibilities.

Publish the e-books on Kindle Direct Publishing at Amazon.com


Honest ways to make money on the Internet #3 – Buy in bulk and re-sell Online.

You can buy goods in bulk from China through Alibaba and then open an online store at Qoo10 or Ebay to sell them for a profit.

Do check out the cost of setting up your online store at these places and take note of the terms and conditions.

This will prevent you from losing your business if you violate their terms and conditions unknowingly.


Honest ways to make money on the Internet #4 – Membership program.

A very good example is Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate provides Education, Tools, Community Support and Website hosting for its members for a monthly fee of $49 or a yearly fee of $359.

You could provide your own membership program to offer long-term valuable service to your members.

Of course, your services or program must have new materials updated regularly so that your members are willing to pay the monthly fees to stay with you.


Honest ways to make money on the Internet - Wealthy Affiliate University

Honest ways to make money on the Internet #5 – Fill in Surveys

Honestly, filling in Surveys do not pay well over the amount of time you have to invest in filling up the surveys.

It is an easy job online, do not expect to be paid well too.

You’ll have to sign up as many survey companies as possible to have regular surveys to fill in every day.

Not the best way to make money online.


Honest ways to make money on the Internet #6 – Be an e-lancer.

If you have good skills in performing some task like writing, drawing or even video making.

You could join Elance.com to offer your service to the world for a fee.

You could join Fiverr.com too.

Head over the websites above and explore your options.


Honest ways to make money on the Internet #7 – Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is recommending other people’s product for a commission if sales are closed through your affiliate links.

I have a post to explain about Affiliate Marketing.

Head over to find out more by clicking the link above.


Honest ways to make money on the Internet #8 – Buy and Sell collectable items.

Collectable items could include antiques, coins/stamps collections or even special editions toys/comic books.

There are many people online looking to buy collectable items as their value will appreciate with time.

If you are a good hunter of such collectable items, you can create an Online Business out of it too!

Create your own website or sell them through the e-Stores mentioned earlier.


Honest ways to make money on the Internet #9 – Share your expertise

Create your own training and become an instructor at Udemy.

Share your expertise to the millions of students around the world through Udemy.

Create interesting and relevant courses and build a reputation. Students pay a fee to enroll for your courses and you could earn a portion of the fees from Udemy.



Honest ways to make money on the Internet #10 – Be website builder

If you hate to write content, you can earn money online by helping others build their website and leave the contents creation to them.

You’ll have to research and make cold calls to your local businesses which do not have a website yet. (Hard work required) Offer your service to help them build a website for a fee.

It is very simple to build a website nowadays.

Click on the link above to find out more.


Honest ways to make money on the Internet - Wealthy Affiliate University

There you go! All top 10 Honest ways to make money on the Internet at your disposal.

Choose the one that best suits you and work on it.

Be committed to your own Success!

Wishing you the best in making money Online!






*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.

12 thoughts on “Honest ways to make money on the Internet – Top 10!

  1. Cesma

    Hi Edmund, you gave quite good ideas on how to make money online. I am actually thinking of buy-and-sell maybe in the near future to earn extra more money from Online. Either creates my own website to sell products or do eBay. Because I love eBay. I buy lots of things there. πŸ™‚

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Cesma, thank you for your comment.

      Buy in bulk and re-sell is a good way to make some extra money Online. Create your own Website is definitely the best because you could customise your E-store to you heart’s content.

      Moreover, Ebay and some B2B websites may charge some processing fees or commissions if you set up E-store at their websites.

      You could consider using the free* websites from Wealthy Affiliate for a head start. Then slowly as you get familiar with your Business and want to scale it bigger, you can transfer your contents from your free* websites to your own domain websites.

      Wishing you the best! πŸ™‚

  2. Kim

    Hi Edmund!

    These 10 ways to make money on the Internet indeed are good and honest ways. πŸ™‚
    I would like to add one to your list, I am selling my handicrafts at Etsy.

    Etsy is definitely a good place for anyone who wish to sell their handmade stuff.

    Interesting post! Thanks for sharing Edmund!

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Kim!

      Thanks for your comment and recommendation of Etsy! πŸ™‚

      Yes, I am sure that there are more honest ways to make money on the Internet and I welcome suggestions to add to my list here.

      Wishing you the best, Kim!

  3. Dafna

    Excellent ideas, I really enjoyed reading this. I am making money on the Internet also selling clothes ordered from China, but I came to this at random.

    When I was sitting at home a lot with a baby I used to order many clothes and shoes from China and many of these, nearly half, didn’t fit my size. So I decided to open an online store just to get rid of it.

    I used a free website builder webstarts.com, created a store with real sizes in clothes descriptions, and posted a link to my store in my social networks accounts, so it took nearly a month and most of the things were gone! So I decided just to continue doing this. πŸ™‚

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Dafna, thanks for your comment.

      I am glad that you have enjoyed reading this article and shared your own experience of starting your Online Business.
      You are a real life example of a person making honest money Online!

      I sincerely wish you great Success! πŸ™‚

  4. Brittni Sue

    Hi Edmund!

    You have provided a great review here. I have tried the premium membership at Wealthy Affiliate and I must say that I have been very happy with it.

    I learned a great deal, and the community support is awesome! The only drawback is the pretty steep $49 monthly membership.

    Most beginners can not come up with the yearly discounted membership fee all at one time. It would be great if they offered a 3-month or 6-month option to take advantage of a discounted membership fee.

    I think more people would stay in the program that way!

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Brittni! Thanks for your comment and feedback.

      I totally understand that $49/mth may be a little steep for beginners. Thus, I would recommend anyone who has learned more about it during the 7 days free* trial period to seriously consider whether this Affiliate Marketing business model is really what they want to pursue.

      Also, is Wealthy Affiliate is really worth it?

      I agree with you that 3-month or 6 months option will be very attractive for some beginners. Perhaps Kyle and Carson could consider these options in the future. πŸ™‚

      Wishing you the best!

  5. Randy

    Hi, Edmund,

    I have been looking into making money online for many years now.

    I have tried a few ways including filling out surveys, you’re right the money you make here is very little!

    I have been doing affiliate marketing for several months now, some money is starting to come in but it does take lots of time.

    I have been interested in buying products from Alibaba and re-selling them but haven’t tried it yet.

    Thank you for the article.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Randy.

      You are most welcome and thank you for sharing your own experience with us too.

      Yup, buying products from Alibaba and re-selling them could be an alternative. Many people are doing that in Qoo10 Online Stores.

      Wishing you the best!

  6. Brian

    Hi Edmund.

    Excellent post on ways to make money on the internet! I’m really interested in number 2 about creating an e-book and have been thinking a lot about that lately, but I want to make sure it is good quality and something I can help people within my niche and also that it’s something people want. I also need to learn how to promote it as well.

    I’m trying affiliate marketing right now as I’m a member of WA and have been for a little over 2 years. I’ve just started earning a tiny bit of revenue for the first time a few months ago, but that is through Google AdSense. Still looking for my first affiliate commission sale. I will keep trying and never give up!

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Brian.

      Yes, creating a good quality e-book is one of the honest ways to make money on the Internet. Start work on it soonest so that people within your niche will get to benefit from your knowledge that you share. πŸ™‚

      Since you are already a Wealthy Affiliate member, these are some great resources for your references,
      1. Write an ebook and create passive online income.
      2. How To Make an eBook (simple..with pictures!).
      3. How To Sell An eBook with PayPal.

      Keep moving forward and never give up! You’ll find your Success!

      Wishing you the best!

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