How to start in Internet Marketing? – The Nerd’s Guide

How to start in Internet Marketing? – The Nerd’s Guide

How to start in Internet Marketing? – The Nerd’s Guide

How to start in Internet Marketing? Lost? Don’t fret, you can learn everything online. Really? John Green tells you how.

How to start in Internet Marketing? – The Nerd’s Guide

Internet Marketing is a very hot topic in the Online World because everyone is talking about making HUGE amount of money in Internet Marketing.

However, many step foot in the wrong puddle of water, ending up falling into a deep pothole and getting them drenched.

Yes, they do not know how to start in Internet Marketing, and they do not know who can teach them how!

You see, you can learn many things and everything online, but you can’t be sure what you are learning is right or wrong if there is no one to tell you or guide you along.

How do you start in Internet Marketing the right way? What do you need?

Yes, a community of like-minded people to discuss the common topic, Internet Marketing, at a common place!

Watch this charming Video. John Green explains more.

“Some of us learn best in the classroom and some of us … well, we don’t. But we still love to learn, to find out new things about the world and challenge our minds. We just need to find the right place to do it, and the right community to learn with. In this charming talk, author John Green shares the world of learning he found in Online video.” – TED

The nerd’s guide to learning everything online.


Bio Excerpt from TED – John Green

John Green

In 2007, Green and his brother Hank ceased textual communication and began to talk primarily through videoblogs posted to YouTube. The videos spawned a community of people called nerdfighters who fight for intellectualism and to decrease the overall worldwide level of suck. (Decreasing suck takes many forms: Nerdfighters have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight poverty in the developing world; they also planted thousands of trees around the world in May of 2010 to celebrate Hank’s 30th birthday.)



Books by John Green


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Check out the #1 Community at Wealthy Affiliate University Here!






10 thoughts on “How to start in Internet Marketing? – The Nerd’s Guide

  1. robert Lawrence

    Hi Edmund,

    This is a great post and I really enjoyed the video too. Thanks for sharing this. It really is facinating to see how our world shapes our maps and sometimes our maps shape our world.

    I love the term that he uses, “personal map”. I find this to be very inspiring. It makes me want to sit down right now and write out some goals for my future. It gives me the confidence to think that I can accomplish what I set out to do.


    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Robert, I am glad that this post has created values for you.

      John Green’s speech also focuses on another point, Community.

      The Community is a key to learning everything online. Wealthy Affiliate University has such a community where people from all walks of life coming together to learn about Internet Marketing.

      I wishing you success in achieving your Goals!

  2. Shawn

    Hi, Edmund.

    I like John Green’s work.

    As far as Wealthy Affiliate University, I have been a member going on 4 years now and I have built my full-time online business with the knowledge I learn from Wealthy Affiliate University.

    If anyone is looking for the real community, Wealthy Affiliate University has the most active and helpful community. The community helps each other to learn and grow their Online Businesses and I see many Successful Online Business sprouting from within it,


    1. Edmund Post author

      Thank you Shawn, for sharing your personal experience at Wealthy Affiliate University. 4 years is a long time and I believe you must have benefited greatly from the community too.

      I look forward to work with you at Wealthy Affiliate University and wishing you the best!

  3. Mahmood

    Hello, Edmund.

    Thanks for sharing this interesting video. As you know online internet marketing became very big now. Make money online became one of the three biggest niches online. We indeed need a community to learn and improve ourselves in this niche.

    I checked the wealthy affiliate you are mentioning and I found a great talks about it everywhere with very little complaints. May I ask how’s Wealthy Affiliate’s Community like?

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Mahmood. Thanks for your comments.

      Yes, indeed the make money online niche is one of the most competitive niches that everyone wants to jump right in. However, most have no clues where to start.

      Wealthy Affiliate’s Community is one of the most active community in Internet Marketing communities. You can receive help within seconds of posting your questions. Even better, answers of the commonly asked questions within the community were already archived in the library.

      There is even a live chat area where active members interact and help one another. If you are keen to experience how is the community like. Create a free* account and experience 7 days of support from the community.

      Wishing you success!

  4. Fisher

    WA is quite unique, like Mahmood said, you can hardly find any negative reviews about WA from online. The worst I found would be like “well, I learned everything there and so I decided to move on”.

    It’s amazing considering the online culture that is all too easy for anyone to complain about almost anything. I don’t think WA has a magic power to hide all negative comments — see how many complains about Google and its various programs, from Chrome to G+. Surely WA can’t be more powerful than Google.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Fisher, thanks for your comment.

      Wealthy Affiliate is indeed a role model in the Internet Marketing Niche. It has a strong and active community within it and the community form a part of the success system itself!

      For any new budding Online Entrepreneur who wish to learn how to start in Internet Marketing, look nowhere else and head over to Wealthy Affiliate. I assure you that if you engage with the community, you’ll learn so much more that you cannot learn elsewhere because you are tapping the experience and knowledge of thousands of unique individuals in the community.

      Wishing you the best!

  5. Yuko

    Hi Edmund,

    Interesting video. I never heard of John Green but I agree with his point of the importance of learning community.

    I am a teacher and the first thing I encourage my students to do at the beginning of each quarter is to know their fellow students and create study groups with one another.

    On the internet, we can even be part of a learning community worldwide. In the Wealthy Affiliate community that I am part of, people in the different parts of the world keep helping me. When I think of it, it’s quite amazing isn’t it.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Yuko, thanks for your comment.

      I too never heard of John Green until I got to know John Green through TED. He’s novel was on the Screen recently and I guess he could be even more famous now.

      I do agree with you that a community such as a study group in the school, or a mastermind group in the workplace will help one another learn within the team.

      Wealthy Affiliate Community is also where I learn about Internet Marketing from the experts worldwide within. And Yes, it is absolutely amazing! Glad that you are in there too.

      Wishing you the best, Yuko!

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