PaidViewpoint Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

PaidViewpoint Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

PaidViewpoint Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

PaidViewpoint Review – What is PaidViewpoint and how does it work? Legit or Scam? Can you make money from home with PaidViewpoint? Read this review now!

PaidViewpoint Review


Product: Survey Site

Price: Free

Owner: Umongous, Inc.

Suitable for: Anyone like taking paid surveys to earn some cash.

Overview: PaidViewpoint is a survey site owned by Umongous, Inc. It is one of the few good survey companies I have encountered so far. PaidViewpoint has the minimalistic concept which is very fresh and unique.

The surveys are usually short and there are no screening questions prior the survey which everyone hates. However, the Payout is not so high compare to other popular survey company like YouGov.

PaidViewpoint Review – What is all about?

Once I reached PaidViewpoint’s home page. I am totally awestruck by its simplicity and minimalistic design.

All I see on the home page are the 3 icons,
PaidViewpoint review - Homepage icons

Scrolling down further, there are some links to About Us, TOC, and FAQs etc.

I clicked on the About Us link and this is what I saw,

PaidViewpoint is the market research survey site built upon 4 principles:

  • We pay cash for every completed market research survey.
  • We never screen you out once you’ve been invited into a survey.
  • We’ve cracked the code that takes “boring” out of the survey answering experience.
  • Privacy – we never ask you to register your real name or complete physical address.” – PaidViewPoint

Wow! I thought.

Although doing a survey without answering screening questions is not new. (YouGov also provides surveys with no screening questions.)

This website is refreshing and I am really interested in the cracked code that takes “boring” out of the survey answering experience. I certainly can relate to that as I have filled in tons of surveys and some of they are really long and “boring”.

Excited to find out more, I registered for a free account to see what’s inside personally.


PaidViewpoint Review – How to join?

Joining PaidViewpoint is very simple and free.

PaidViewpoint review - register

You are just required to fill in your Email address and Password.

The next step would by just clicking the verify link in the email just sent to you by PaidViewPoint.
PaidViewpoint review - verify

Important: Read the Rules first!

Then, you’ll be asked to fill up several details about yourself, such as country of resident, education level, and career to complete your registration.

These details act as the first filter to match surveys with PaidViewpoint’s client’s requirements. Thus, eliminating the screening questions for the surveys.

You could earn up to $1.00 for completing the registration process.

Once you have created an account, you’ll be asked to fill in your first survey and your trait score survey.

Each of these surveys pays you $0.03 and each takes about 3 minutes to complete.

In the end, I earned a total $0.88 and my TraitScore increased from 500 to 620.  🙂

PaidViewpoint review - earnings


PaidViewpoint Review – What is Traitscore?

Based on PaidViewpoint’s official answer at the FAQ page,

“PaidViewpoint’s patent-pending TraitScoreSM system was invented to assess the candor and consistency of survey respondents and to incentivize these characteristics.

Historically, there has been a huge problem in the online market research industry concerning the quality of data. Unfortunately, some people do not read survey questions or stop to think for a few seconds and fail to give their candid opinions or truthfully disclose their demographics.

PV decided to build algorithms into its system which identify the members with best practices and reward them for being good survey takers. The system PV uses to perform this assessment is called “TraitScore”.

The key to earning a high TraitScoreSM is quite simple: Be honest about your demographics and traits, always give your honest opinions, and don’t be fickle. Change your mind only when it is really changed.

Lastly, remember, we aren’t interested in your personal identity. We don’t even ask for your real name. We want to learn about you and your candid opinions but we maintain your privacy so that you will feel free to speak your mind.” – PaidViewPoint.


You will receive TraitScore surveys quite regularly after you become a member of PaidViewPoint.


PaidViewpoint Review – The simple DashBoard.

PaidViewpoint review - dashboard

Once you are inside, this is only what you are going to see at your member’s DashBoard area.

Dollar Signs: You can check you earnings.

Circle logo: You can update your demographics.

A Man with halo: You can check your TraitScore.

People: You can share PaidViewPoints with your friends. Your affiliate link is in there.

Gears: You can do some personal setting here such as changing of Password and email address.

Your Earnings and TraitScore can be view at the top right-hand corner too.

Once you have a survey waiting for you, you’ll see this voice bubble popup.

PaidViewpoint review - survey waiting



PaidViewpoint Review – Rules to take note.

There are many Online frauds and some people just want to mess with the systems.

Inevitably, PaidViewpoint has strict rules to protect itself and its honest members.

You have to take note of the Rules carefully to prevent getting yourself banned and lost all your earning, even if it is not your intention of some actions.

Here are some excerpts from Rules.

“It is forbidden for members to possess more than one PV account. Opening more than one account will result in closure of all of your accounts and forfeiture of any funds in those accounts.

PV does watch IP addresses, evidence of proxy server use and other clues that a member may be trying to “game” the system by opening multiple accounts. You might be required to verify your PayPal account before cashout for security purposes.

If deemed by PV that you are operating more than one account, you will be banned.” – PaidViewpoint


PaidViewpoint Review – What others are saying?

As I researched about PaidViewPoint, I came across mix review of members who has been taking surveys for a while.

You could read about it at for to have an objective view of PaidViewPoint.

Here are some excerpts,

“Trust me, when you join them, please stay, it will be well worth it. The longer you stay a true active member, the more money you will make. I’m still pretty new here, but tonight I just got my first cash out , $15.00! through Pay Pal.” – Unigka from United States  – 5 Star

“This is my updated review of this site. I have been a member since 2011 and all I see is the same standard pat answer from april that something is missing from your account and it takes a long time to build a site. I have 2 more surveys till I reach payout and I am done with this site. No wonder that I don’t see anymore advertising for this site from its members to gain referrals, it has become a joke. Just a waste of time.” – Joyce from United States – 0.5 Stars


PaidViewpoint Review – Referring your Friends.

PaidViewpoint review - referral

PaidViewpoint claims that you could “Earn up to $25 for every friend you invite.” is quite misleading and not explained clearly enough.

It does not mean you’ll get $25 for each friend you invite!

What it means is that you’ll get 20% of the amount your referral cash out each time, up to the maximum of $25.

So, if your referral cashes out $15, you’ll get 20% of $15 which is $3.

If your referral cashes out $100, you’ll get $20.

If your referral cashes out $125, you’ll get $25.

If your referral cashes out $200, you’ll still get $25 because it’s the max.

Get it now?

If you have 100 or more active referrals, you’ll become a VIP Community Builder and earn the 20% of your referral’s survey rewards on the fly. No need to wait for them to cash out.

However, pls note that,

“By active, we mean that your referrals have to have been a member for more than 30 days and must be visiting the site and completing surveys on a regular basis.” – PaidViewpoint


PaidViewpoint Review – My Personal Take

Taking surveys are easy jobs that do not require professional skills.

You should not expect to earn a lot just by doing these because PaidViewPoint pays cents for each survey!

Moreover, you have to ask yourself whether what is the effort/reward ratio that you are willing to invest in.

To earn an income filling surveys, you may require to signing up with many survey companies to have a higher chance of qualifying more surveys. Some strategies may be needed.

Although I like the concept of simplicity of PaidViewPoint survey site, personally, I do not really like the fact that the rewards are so little for each survey.

It really takes a long time to reach the minimum cash out amount of $15.

You can give PaidViewpoint a test run here to see if you really like taking short Surveys as a past time to earn some small change.

To achieve my goal of Financial Freedom, I am all out for an alternative.


PaidViewpoint Review – Make Money Online Alternative

I started my Affiliate Marketing business in 2014 and never looked back since.

Wealthy Affiliate is where I learned how to build a Successful Online Affiliate Marketing Business right from the fundamentals.

PaidViewpoint Review - Wealthy Affiliate University

The best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that I could start learning how to build my Online Business Passive Income with ZERO prior knowledge on Affiliate Marketing.

Not only that it comes with complete tools and Website building and hosting suite, Wealthy Affiliate comes with live support and help from the owners and the community.

It’s also an all-in-one platform with a fixed monthly fee, and you do not have to worry about other operation costs.

You can even test-drive it first with FREE* Starter Membership in the next few minutes!

I have written a comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate Review and perhaps you can find out more from there.


PaidViewpoint Review – Final Verdict

Overall Rating: 

I rated PaidViewpoint 4.0 stars because it is a legitimate Survey Company that payouts to its members. I like it’s minimalistic concept too!

Filling of surveys takes typically less than 5 mins and easy!

However, PaidViewpoint’s paid out effort/reward ratio is quite low compared to other survey companies.

Personally, to achieve a Passive Online Income, I started an Affiliate Marketing Business.


Wishing you the best!

PaidViewpoint Review - Edmund





*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.

2 thoughts on “PaidViewpoint Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

  1. Paul

    Hi Edmund,

    Thanks for your thorough review of Paid Viewpoint. Although I’ve never heard of this platform specifically, I’m well aware of this type of paid survey opportunity and I just don’t find it to be worth my time.

    There does look to be potential in the referral program. I’m going to check out the website and see if there’s anything I can work with. Thanks again.

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi, Paul.

      You are most welcome.

      Yup, you got to weigh the time/effort ratio for every survey site you wish to join.
      PaidViewpoint’s referral program could be an additional way to help you earn faster there.
      Give it a go and hopefully, you could share with us your experience in the future. 🙂

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