Wake Up Now shut down – Feb 2015 – What an Irony!

Wake Up Now shut down – Feb 2015 – What an Irony!

Wake Up Now shut down – Feb 2015 – What an Irony!

Wake Up Now shut down already? Are you still searching for Wake Up Now reviews? Did you know that it no longer exist? Yes, it has been shut down. Find out why here.

Wake Up Now shut down – A big news?

Nah, I have never heard of Wake Up Now before this. I was asked to write a comment on this company’s review written by a friend and I realized this company has already shut down!

Maybe a big news in the MLM industry and to Wake Up Now’s members. For those of us who disliked MLM companies and will not be associated with them, will be shielded from this news.

Wake Up Now is a classic Online MLM company and has been around for the past decade. Its main motive is to encourage its members to recruit new members with a target that rhyme as follow.

Wake up now shut down - Plan

Once you hit this target, you’ll earn approximately $600 per month passive income, that is if every one of your downline stays active and continues to pay their monthly premium. You see, it a grand scheme of recruitment game. I would say the products are of little or no values.


Wake Up Now shut down – the real story.

In February 2015, CEO Phil Polich announced on Wake Up Now’s facebook page that he has shut down the operations of the company and wrote a lengthy letter for his members.

Wake Up Now’s website and facebook page has been taken down not long after that.

“WakeUpNow Family,

For the past 4 years WakeUpNow has been an integral part of my life. The IBO’s and corporate staff have become like family to me and my family. As a collective team we have left a footprint in the network marketing industry that nobody could have ever expected. Led by President Jason Elrod’s leadership and vision, we became known as the company that put the distributors first, and allowed more people to “win” than ever before.

As the top investor in the company I cheered the success, provided oversight as a board member, and trusted in the management team that we had assembled. Most of that trust was well placed, as was evidenced by the industry-changing momentum that we produced. Some of it, unfortunately, was severely misplaced.

By taking advantage of the office of Chief Executive Officer, Kirby Cochran had made decisions that put the company on an irreparable negative trajectory; and sadly, he went to great lengths to keep many of these decisions secret from the rest of the management team and board of directors.” [continue]


Currently, Wake Up Now is filing a $70 million lawsuit against its ex-CEO, Kirby Cochran.

I’ll leave it with you to read the whole story through the links above.

Wake up now shut down - Wealthy Affiliate University

Wake Up Now shut down – the real irony.

It is very common to see Online MLM companies come and go. Some stayed a little longer and some appeared for a short stint then disappear.

It is quite common that some of these Online MLM companies are actually owned by the same few people too.

If you are involved in an Online MLM company currently, I would recommend you to do some research on the company’s background and leadership team. Constantly, monitor the company’s surrounding and observe the people. If something smells fishy starts to appear, it is better to pull out quickly then sorry about it later.

I think this is a very good example for everyone to learn.

The company’s name is Wake Up Now. The Irony is that it is also a “Wake Up Now” reminder for us not to fall into any grand promises of getting rich quickly and easily.

Do your due diligence and research first before jumping in.


Wake Up Now shut down – the real solution.

I fully empathise with the members from Wake Up Now. They have to go through the pain of heartache that their business built over the years became nothing overnight.

I was involved in MLM before and disliked the process of recruiting, cold calling and hard-selling.  I began to look for other solutions Online.

I was lucky and I met Kyle from Wealthy Affiliate and everything changed after that.

If the members are open to looking at alternative ways to make money online and building a stable online business, I would highly recommend them to head over to Wealthy Affiliate to try the free* Online Entrepreneur Certification course.

I hope this course will help them to recover and gain confidence to rebuild their Online business again.

Wishing you Success!

Wake up now shut down - Edmund





*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.


2 thoughts on “Wake Up Now shut down – Feb 2015 – What an Irony!

  1. Kim

    I agree with you that it’s an irony that the CEO did something bad to the company and the owners did not find anything amiss until the company goes busted.

    It’s indeed a “Wake up Now” call for business owners to be very careful of the person whom they employ and entrusted with such great responsibility and power.

    Thanks for sharing Edmund!

    1. Edmund Post author

      Yes Kim, indeed an Irony.

      We have to be careful as a consumer too. When joining these MLM companies, we have to know who is the CEO and owners behind. Do some research Online and seek reviews. Only when you are confident of what you are doing, go ahead with your plan.

      However, sometimes it’s really out of unluckiness that someone up there turns rouge. You must have an exit plan too. Do not commit too much money at one shot and reserve some for rainy days.

      Wishing you the best!

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