Evergreen Wealth Formula Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

Evergreen Wealth Formula Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

Evergreen Wealth Formula Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

Evergreen Wealth Formula Review – What is Evergreen Wealth Formula? Can you make money after attending its lessons? Read this Evergreen Wealth Formula Review.

Evergreen Wealth Formula Review

Website: www.evergreenwealthformula.com

Products: Internet Marketing Training Course

Price: $97

Owner: James Scholes

Suitable for: New Affiliate Marketers

Overview: Evergreen Wealth Formula is an Online Internet Marketing Training Course created by James Scholes.

James will teach you his Success Methodology learned through his 10 years of Internet Marketing experiences.

Evergreen Wealth Formula Review – James’s walkthrough

Most of the time, I would get impatient with long videos that forced you to sit through it. These long and boring videos would also keep telling you how much money you can make in the shortest time, and while you are sleeping.

This pitching technique is usually the first sign of scams.

But James’s video is somewhat a little different.

He shares with you the preview of what is going to offered when you purchase his training program.

I was curious and watched the full 18mins of this video. I think you should too.

Let’s take a look at James’s own video.

Evergreen Wealth Formula Review – What will you learn inside?

As James mentioned in the Video, the following is the brief breakdown of courses inside Evergreen Wealth Formula.

Part 1: Introduction

Welcome video

Quick overview video

Part 2: Setting Up Everything

Step 1: Downloading and Rebranding Your Report

Step 2: Editing Squeeze Page

Step 3: Crash Course on Squeeze Page Copywriting!

Step 4: Finding A High Converting Affiliate Product To Promote

Step 5: How to Edit and Place Your Affiliate Offer On Your Upsell Page

Step 6: Setting Up Your Auto Responder Service

Step 7: Putting The Auto Responder Code Onto Your Squeeze Page

Step 8: Editing and Entering The Auto Responder Sequence Into Your Auto Responder

Step 9: Editing Your Download Page Plus Monetizing Tips

Step 10: How To Upload Everything To Your Server

Bonus Video: 2 Ways To Increase Opt-ins & Sales With No Additional Work Whatsoever

Part 3: Get Traffic

Forum Traffic Guide

Leverage Marketing

Twitter Traffic Guide

YouTube Traffic Guide

Bonus: Traffic Cheat-Sheet (Plus Vital Key To Success)

Part 4: Advance Marketing
Part 5: Free Action Bonuses


Evergreen Wealth Formula Review – Can you earn $1000/day?

Get Rich Quick method/program in this Online World never existed. Never one that can let you make $1000/day as easy as Copy and Paste like James is teaching.

(Btw, Google do not like copy and paste websites and will hardly rank them on the first page)

Sorry to disappoint you.

If someone tells you that you can do it without putting in any hard work, effort and commitment to the long arduous journey of Internet Marketing and making money Online.

He/she is a 100% scammer.

James tells you that you’ll just need to do the work once and you make money for the rest of your life.

Yes, it may happen, but you still need to put in your effort to learn and implement with action and hard work.

The step by step video lessons you see above are quite basic and are taught at many places Online.

The gist of Online Affiliate Marketing is the same.


The selling point is perhaps you would get some extra tips from James own’s experience.

The moral of the story is do not believe everything you first see or listen.

Learn more on Affiliate Marketing business model before you decide you want to jump into it.

Do you want to learn what is Affiliate Marketing and have a feel of it first for FREE*?

Read on.


Evergreen Wealth Formula Review – Can you be Successful after learning from James?

I think James has created a series of training quite suitable for new budding Online Marketers.

I believe you can definitely learn the basics of Affiliate Marketing from James.

However, there is still no guarantee of your success because success really depends on you.

You’ll have to put in effort on your part and persist even if you do not see your income for the first few months.

Are you game to do it no matter what happens?


Evergreen Wealth Formula Review – My Personal Take

I think James has definitely put in effort in devising this set of training.

As he mentioned in the video, he makes these training such that his own mother could understand and follow too. 🙂

What he taught in Evergreen Wealth Formula is suitable for novice Affiliate Marketers, however, these could be learned at other places Online too.

I like the fact that James made Evergreen Wealth Formula a one-time investment without any up-sell.

Nevertheless, there is no community support at Evergreen Wealth Formula, other than the 1-1 email support from James.

There are also no keyword research tool and other website building tools provided.

Following the step by step instruction also means that you have to sign up third party hosting and autoresponder through James’s affiliate link.

I do not like the fact that James keep telling you that it is so easy to make money quickly without much effort in his sales video.

This is not true.


Learning How To Make Money Online Alternative

I started my Affiliate Marketing business in 2014 and never looked back since.

Wealthy Affiliate is where I learned how to build a Successful Online Affiliate Marketing Business right from the fundamentals and niche selection.

Evergreen Wealth Formula Review - Wealthy Affiliate University

The best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that I could start learning how to build my Online Business Passive Income with ZERO prior knowledge on Affiliate Marketing.

Not only that it comes with complete tools and Website building and hosting suite, Wealthy Affiliate comes with live support and help from the owners and the experts within the community.

It’s also an all-in-one platform with a fixed monthly fee, and you do not have to worry about other operation costs.

You can even test-drive it first with FREE* Starter Membership in the next few minutes!

I have written a comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate Review and perhaps you can find out more from there.


Evergreen Wealth Formula Review – Final Verdict

Evergreen Wealth Formula
James Scholes
Overall Rating: 2.5 / 5.0

I rated Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.5 stars because I think it is a well designed basic training for new Affiliate Marketers.

The Advance Marketing portion could be useful only if you have gained experienced growing your website that is gaining traffics.

However, I am a little disturbed when James mentioned, “You can make $1000 a day and watch the affiliate commission roll in almost instantly“.

I want to emphasize again that there is no get rich quick scheme in the Online world.

You’ll need to put your effort and work hard to get results, no matter who tell you how it is easy. Alright?

Wishing you the best!

Evergreen Wealth Formula Review - Edmund





*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.

6 thoughts on “Evergreen Wealth Formula Review – Legitimate or Scam?!?

  1. Ginger

    Hi Edmund,

    Thank you for this insightful article! I joined WA about a year ago and although I knew almost nothing about building a web-site, after going through the WA Training offered by Kyle, I must say I have gone a long way!

    The training delivered by Kyle was thorough, understandable and fun in going through. I really liked the exercises or tasks given at the end of a lesson. By doing them, I really did learn a lot.

    Sometimes I needed to listen to the module once again in order to ensure that I got every step right and in its right place! So thank you so much for your professional support and training. I believe everyone can benefit from WA when serious about building an internet business.

    Much Love, Ginger Spark

    1. Edmund Post author

      Hi Ginger,

      Like you, I really gain a lot after learning from the training delivered by Kyle. I build my website from scratch to what it is today.

      I am still learning too and in the progress of scaling my Online Business to a more advanced level.

      Thank you so much for your testimony of Wealthy Affiliate!

      Wishing you the best!

  2. Christopher Jordan

    You can never trust their credibility, many of their lists are out-dated and fake. You will gamble your money for trying which is and isn’t work with solo ads. This is simply won’t work for you or anybody does.

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