Traffic For Me Review – Legitimate or Scam?!? Great!

Traffic For Me Review – Legitimate or Scam?!? Great!

Traffic For Me Review – Legitimate or Scam?!? Great!

Traffic For Me Review – What is Traffic For Me and how does it work? Can you have quality traffic withTraffic For Me? Read this Traffic For Me review.

Traffic For Me Review


Products: Paid Traffic Source

Price: Pricing varies depending on types of Traffic ordered. (see details in this article.)

Owner: Harris Fellman

Suitable for: Internet Marketers

Overview: Traffic For Me is a paid traffic service to help websites get traffic from various sources. Traffic For Me direct your page advertising via Email, SMS, Social Media, etc. The cost of each click is on the high side.

Traffic For Me Review – How does it work?

There are already a lot of Paid Traffic advertising platform such as Empire Kred and LeadsLeap 2.0 in the Online World.

After reading the Q&A at its home page, Traffic For Me is the first Paid Traffic platform that really got me interested.

I must agree that Harris Fellman’s Q&A was very funny and down to earth convincing that the “Target Traffic” that Traffic For Me provide is Clean of clicking bots and they only provide Real Visitor with buying intention.

Traffic For Me Review - Testimonial

Harris Fellman also has a list of Testimonial videos on Traffic For Me home page. After watching some of them, I am convinced that they are authentic testimonials from his customers. (Not like other scammers paying actors at Fiverr to do a testimonial for them.)

So what is Traffic For Me really all about?

Let’s take a look at the walkthrough video (13 mins) by Harris Fellman.

Disclaimer: I am not an affiliate for Traffic For Me.


Traffic For Me Review – Click Packages

Traffic For Me can provide traffic for 6 specific niches as follow,

Traffic For Me Review - Click Packages

Each of these niches has Traffic packages depending the quality and amount of traffic you want. However, only the Biz Opp and Make Money niche has more variety of choices as the above table show.

  • Premium Email Traffic
  • 100% Top 5 Email Traffic
  • Starter Traffic
  • Super Premium Traffic
  • Mobile Traffic (USA Only)

Note that as I am writing this research review, Non-Premium Email Traffic is no longer available when I logged in the member’s area.

Traffic For Me Review - Biz Opp and Make Money Packages

Traffic For Me Review – Click Packages Traffic Type

First, you must know that each Traffic Type has different target audiences.

Let’s just take Biz Opp and Make Money niche as an example here, since it offers the most varieties of Traffic Type.

Premium Email Traffic

Over 80-85% of the visitors will come from the Top 5 Countries (USA, UK, CAN, AUS, & NZ).

100% Top 5 Premium Email Traffic

Premium Email Lists PLUS 100% Top 5 Countries. (USA, UK, CAN, AUS, NZ)

Starter Traffic Packages

If you’re just starting out or if you never used T4Me before. Traffic starts & completes within 1-2 days of your purchase. You can choose traffic from Premium Email Traffic or 100% Top 5 Premium Email Traffic.

Super Premium Email Traffic

#1 Top Converting Lists have the Highest Opt-In Rates, Most Sales Conversions, and Tonnes of Re-Orders! 25,000 clicks weekly avail. Updated Every Week. 1st Come. 1st Serve.

Mobile Traffic (via SMS Messages) – USA ONLY!

100% targeted to your niche. 100% USA. A text message gets delivered directly to a qualified person’s phone, they click on the message and arrive on your site.


Traffic For Me Review – Click Packages Cost

Typically the cost of each click depends on the number of clicks you purchase. The more you purchase, the lesser is the cost for each click.

Let’s take the Premium Email Traffic as an example,

Traffic For Me Review - Cost Per Click

You can see clearly that the cost per click ranges from $0.58 to $0.69 per unique click.

I believe these values are subject to change depending on Traffic For Me’s discretion. For other packages cost, please create a free account at Traffic For Me and check them out.


Traffic For Me Review – Terms and Disclaimers

This is where most people missed out.

Please read the T&C and Earnings Disclaimers carefully before you click on the Pay Now button.


Traffic For Me Review – My Personal Take

After researching on what values Traffic For Me could offer, for once, I am intrigued to trying out the Starter Traffic Package.

Traffic For Me Review - Starter Traffic

However, I have some personal thoughts as follow.

#1 Cost of each click is high

Personally, if I am just starting out in Internet Marketing, I may not want to use Traffic For Me until I build a website with some valuable contents and already attracting organic traffic.

You must also have a solid landing page that can convert your visitors to opt-in or become your customers. All this takes times to learn and create.

Although Traffic For Me guarantees the quality of the traffic, the cost for each click is on the high side. You have to weight your operating cost versus the money your website could generate.

Paid To Click (PTC) is not a one-time success formula. There are a lot of trial and errors, split testing to be done before you can see some results. You could lose all your PTC investment for the first few round.

I am really glad that Harris Fellman did mention this risk towards the end of his walkthrough video.

#2 Similar traffic offer at Udimi

Another Traffic Platform call Udimi offers similar kind of traffic packages at a lower cost. Where you can choose whether you want 100% English speaking traffic or so.

The difference is that you have to research on the individual seller. You have to find out from them which niche they are in and the reviews of their previous customer.

You may even have to chat with the individual seller to see if they want to promote your website.

I guess all these will take up more of your time and certainly more effort.

#3 Middle Man

Thus, I am also glad that Traffic For Me comes along and could be the middle man who liaises between the customer like us with their researched, proven list of Email List sellers in their database.

I guess if you want to save some time and don’t mind pay a little higher for each unique click, go for Traffic For Me’s services.


Traffic For Me Review – Another Targeted Traffic Alternative

I started my Affiliate Marketing business in 2014 and learned how to generate traffics (free or paid) to my website from Wealthy Affiliate.

It is where I learned how to build a Successful Online Affiliate Marketing Business right from the fundamentals.

Traffic For Me Review - Wealthy Affiliate University

The best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that I could start learning how to build my Online Business Passive Income with ZERO prior knowledge on Affiliate Marketing and how to generate traffics.

Because Wealthy Affiliate will train you how to generate targeted traffics to your own specific niche.

Not only that it comes with complete Keyword tools and Website building and hosting suite, Wealthy Affiliate comes with live support and helps from the owners and the community.

You can even test-drive it first with FREE* Starter Membership in the next few minutes!

I have written a comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate Review and perhaps you can find out more from there.


Traffic For Me Review – Final Verdict

Traffic For Me
Harris Fellman
Overall Rating: 

I rated Traffic For Me 4.0 stars because I believe it is authentic and they do provide quality traffic based on the testimonials.

Personally, if I am just starting out, I would first learn how to achieve a niche targeted organic traffic with targeted audiences first, before I would invest more money in PTC or advertising.

This is the real journey of Internet Marketing. 🙂

Wishing you the best!

P.S. I will update my own Traffic For Me results here in the future.

Traffic For Me Review - Edmund





*Please note that some countries are not able to join as FREE Starter Members due to Wealthy Affiliate University’s Anti-SPAM policy.

5 thoughts on “Traffic For Me Review – Legitimate or Scam?!? Great!

  1. Suzanne Carden

    I tried a test campaign and they would not run my email copy, nor would they send it to the landing page of my choice. Once I changed the landing page to something they would accept, they left the email copy (which I have no idea what they said in order to get people to click) all I know is I only got 7% response. They got back to me as though they wanted to help me, and said they would offer a 20% overage on my next order. How is that going to correct my order? Would I have to spend another $400 in order to allow them to correct something they can’t take responsibility for in the first place? Other solo ads have been over 40% response compared to their measly 7%.

    1. Karim Barakaa

      Hello Suzanne Carden. I have invested in traffic for me Several times in the Past and I have earned 5 Times my investment back. Suzanne Do You have a Sales Funnel that takes the prospects thru the funnel and Provides content that the prospect can use to build their business? Are you putting to much information on your landing Page? remember in Lead Generation You want to Get prospects that are interested in your offer to opt in. Finally, I rather have a few prospects who may invest in my products and services in the future, instead of having hundreds who don’t open my emails.

  2. Harris Fellman

    Hi – I’m the founder of

    Suzanne, I’m just seeing this review for the first time (I see the same basic thing on another review site.).

    * I’m really sorry you had this experience with us. *

    It’s obviously too late to do anything about it 4 years later. 🙁

    Our policy is to look into any claim of poor performance and make an offer based on whether we deem it a problem with the traffic or the landing page or both.

    Usually, we work with the publisher (person sending the traffic) and get them to do another mailing. If we determine the traffic to be garbage, we offer a refund.

    So, I guess anyone can read between the lines here and see that we try to be fair to both the advertiser and the publisher… and treat them both as business owners. (Imagine asking Facebook or Google for a refund after you’ve already received traffic, it’s generally not even possible.)

    — Karim, thanks for your kind words. I look forward to you placing another order again in the near future.

    Finally, if anyone else reading this has any issues or questions about my company, you can find me on Facebook as “Harris Fellman” … I’m a real person (I just don’t usually run around googling myself or my company — maybe I should make that a regular practice so I can catch this sort of thing earlier )

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